good bye my love#27

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You where playing with your new dog orio. He was adorable and looked like a orio. You feed him his milk and he drank some. Wile orio was in the kitchen drinking his milk you where in the living room fixing your hoody wich it's sleaves where falling apart so you where stitching them back up with a nedel and thread. As for Juuzou he was....... actually you had no idea wair he was probably in his room doing Juuzou stuff or something. You then saw that orio was gonna need puppy chow soon and a collar so the mean man won't take him to the pound and you wanted to be prepared so you yelled.

"JUUZOU I'M LEAVING WITH ORIO, I WILL BE BACK SOON" you yelled hopeing Juuzou heard

'Ok' you herd from his room and left without another word

You where at the store getting puppy cow for your dog and had gotten a coller as well. You saw thair was one with red and blue spun together and purple thread holding it all together, it reminds you on how Juuzou got you orio. You had to give orio about five shots so he can go outside and another for he won't get sick with other life forms such as other dogs and other humans it took about at least 40 minutes including the time orio got loos so you had to run and get him and go back to the star and got a leash it will be about 50 minutes. You then decided to take orio to the dog park wich had a puppy play pound eria ecpeshaly for puppys. You here watching orio play with a blond and brown dog and texted Juuzou to tell him sorry you were gonna take a wile


You:Sorry i took so long

.......No response

You: the client treatment

....No response

You: Juuzou please text back i am truly sorry for taking so long i will pay you back

.......No response

You: please i will give you my waffles, i know you love waffles

.....No response

You:Please Juuzou

....No response

You: Juuzou i had enough I'm going home

...No response

End of confomason

You got orio and ran to the house you had no time to call eny one to pick you up you had to go emedeatly. As you ran and ran, you passed a few people most people would stair or wisper amongst themselves or even some times thay would point but you had no time you needed to get to Juuzou and fast. You werent paying attention and past one person who didn't stair or wisper and nether even poind all thay did was wach you run.

?????? Pov

I walked down the street to go meet some...'good friends' of mine. Today i wore my black jacket unlike my small blue one this black one can actually cover my eyes for when i get...................hungry. but what i didn't expect coming was a girl,a awfully stunning one. As she passed me i felt as if it was going in slow motion, she looked like one girl i have seen before but what my mind couldn't focus on was the thoght on how delicious she smelt as she ran past me makeing my hair fall in my face. She smelt like blood but not gust that what cout my entenshon the most was the mixture of blood, candy, cinnamon, vanilla, cocoa, and menny other sweet delights i haven't sment and or eaten since a long time or what felt like a long time.

' I hope she tastes as sweet as she smells- wa what am i thinking this is horrible..i need to eat what NO!! I don't know what to do i...i need her s.stop aghhh forgot about it i need to get to my destination' i said covering my eyes with my hoody and walking off.

Normal pov

I ran and ran with orio im my hands as i huged him it was clowdy and almost every one had thair hoody's on along with umbrellas except for you you where in your white shirt because it was sunny about five minutes ago. You ran till you got to the bilding you had no time so you ran up that stairs instead of the elevator like WHO go's to the elevator in a rush when thair are stairs next to each other. You ran and ran you where about to tip in the number 8 wich was the first digget to open the door but it was already opened you looked and saw Juuzou, but not in a good way he was spread across the floor...... not breathing.

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