sleepy head#20

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After eating the delicious food you all had to go home. Mr Shinohara is driving home right this moment and it was very difficult for you to stay up. You felt as your eyelids felt heavy and once you knew it you fell asleep. As you where asleep Juuzou was looking out the window until he felt something on his shoulder. It was a sleeping (y/n). Juuzou couldn't help but think that you looked beautiful with your hair in your face. Then the car stoped wich gave Juuzou the hint that thair home. Mr.Shinohara looked at his phone cuz you can't call and or text wille driveing especially when thair are other passengers on bord. He stayed oon hes phone texting some important people.

"I will be in the room" Juuzou said and opened the car door to pick you up bridle style.

Once he picked you up you started to wake up a little but you fell back asleep. Juuzou didn't mind you sleeping in his arms in fact he actually enjoyed looking at you time to time. He thought you where beautiful even if you denied it. Juuzou has never felt this feeling well sinc a long time but he liked this feeling but Juuzou can't stay focused on you forever, this world was still not perfect, thair where ghouls and they might hurt someone Juuzou can't be soft inside or else he can't be a CCG. Juuzou got to the room sooner or later and opened the door. Once he opened it the warmth made you feel good as if the warmest blanket gust huged you. Juuzou keep on walking once he got to your room be placed you on the bed cairfaly as if the slightest tuch will make you shatter into a thousand pieces. He was about to walk away until you grabbed his wrist.

"Stay" you said still a little sleepy

"Wh-what m-me?" Juuzou said confused that you wanted to sleep whith him.

"No the cactus, yes you come and sleep with me" you said "please"

"Ok,if you say so" he said crawling in bed with you

Soon enough you had fallen asleep with Juuzou's arm's around your waste,but what you and Juuzou didn't know was what was going on out side.

Wile you and Juuzou where in dream land Mr.Shinohara was looking for you guys. He looked into your room and saw both of you sleeping together. He actually thought it was cute so he left you two alone.......right after he took a picture of you two and posted it on the internet. He thought it would get tonz of likes and comments so he posted it. He went to pour some soda into a cup and went back to the couch only to spit out the soda to see it already had 300 likes in under 10 seconds and 60 comments saying it was cute and stuff, and 7 re-tweets, he used to have only 4 folowers but know he has about 195.

"Hu...i guess people like cute couple's" he said to himself not whanting a answer back because he was supposed to say it to himself and not to eny one else.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now