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The lights where of except for a few fake but beautify made candals and a trail of rose petals around the bed you looked around and saw some thorn less roses on the floor leading a trail past the door. You got up and picked the first one then second then third forth fith and so on he trial kept going till it was at the door you opened the door and saw Juuzou with a rose on his shirt wich you thoght was cute and kissed him once on the lips wich made him blush for some random reason.

"Awwwww Juuzou" you said poking his cheak "thanks for the flowers"

"No, that's not it" he said pointing to a fancy black car "we are going on a date"

"Really!" You said with your eye's sparkling in the light

"Yup, know let's go" Juuzou said grabbing your hand and walking of to the car

"But Juuzou I'm only in a hoodie and shorts" you said stoping Juuzou "don't you want me to wair something else like a dress, even tho i don't really like them?" You wispered the last part

"No, you are beautiful just the way you are" Juuzou said holding both of your hands and placeing a kiss on your forehead. "And girls take to much time in the bathroom" he said winning like a child

"Ok, ok i won't change" you said rolling your eye's at him

You both went in the car while someone you don't know who drove you both to a fancy looking restaurant with lights and plants was so fancy you have no words to describe it except for breathtaking.

The car stoped and you both got out and walked into the extremely fancy restaurant. When you both went in thair was one really REALLY long line that led all the way to the parking lot and another that had absolutely no one Juuzou led you to empty one and he had reserved a spot for you two in the corner next to the window with a beautiful view of a light up garden. The whater led you to the table with one dim light on top. You both sat down on the comfortbal red chairs and looked at the menu until Juuzou took yours and said

"Nope remember we will shair"he said in his silly voice "because it's romantic. He said the last part silly

"Ok" you both decided to shair a milk shake and a plate of waffles.

Soon the whaiter came back quickly wich was supper cool because thay made it fast unlike other restaurants. You both took one good sip of the milk shake and both thight it was WAY to shugery even for you and Juuzou both of you even spit it out outside and ran to the bathroom to wash your mouths and once you and Juuzou took a bite of the waffles you felt like throwing up it tasted dowy and had no flavor at all not even a little pinch of shuger it was also way under cooked that explains why it came out early.

"I'm out i don't cair if where in a date i'm out" you said getting out

"Me to the waffle i ate was really hot and burnt my presence toung" he wined sticking his toung out

You both went out the doors but not before Juuzou yelled at the owner and said he will shut them down and bla bla bla ya he really neded his nap.

You both agreed to go down the street to have some fast food restart wich you got a milk shake and some mc niggys and shaired it to gether the food hear was WAY beter then the food at the fancy restaurant in the beginning the date was Absolutely horiabal but in the end you where happy you where with your loved one, Juuzou. You both had about an hour or two before the car come's back to pick you two up so you both went to walk around town. When you saw a vairy familiar place you HAD to go in side it was Antaku you both went in and ordered some coffee and donuts.

As you and Juuzou where talking you felt as if a pair of eyes wachinh you and it wasn't just Juuzou


That smell i know that smell the girl with the dog the one who was running the one i need. I looked to my side to see two men talking to each other both with blond yellow hair but that wasn't the smell i was looking for i turned to see two girls...oh wate no it's a boy and a girl. The boy had white hair and that other had (c/h). The girl with (c/h) was the one thet smelt of blood and cinnamon the one who smelt of................


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