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You where at home because Akira took you and Juuzou home early and you all went out to eat food for lunch. Right this moment you are playing mindcraft with Juuzou. Juuzou's being chased by a creeper and you are trying to get a dog.

"(Y/n) help me, he won't stop" Juuzou said

"Ok wair are you?" You asked him

"I donno" he said still running "get your map"

You got your map and saw wair he was and ran ro him by presing forward two times and saw him

"If i die keep my stuff then give it back" you said to him you ran infront of the creeper and he made a ticking sound you then walked back a little you only lost about three heart's wich was good sort of, but the thing was in order to help Juuzou you had to leave your soon to be dog that is still a wolf.

"Sorry" Juuzou said makeing a fake tear come down his cheak

"No, it's ok it's just i love dogs so much" you said looking at your controller

And that's how Juuzou got the most amazing plan ever in the history of amazing plans....

The very next day you had woken up without Juuzou next to you and instead a box with big-ish houls in them with a blood red bow in top you opened the box to see a small black and white dog. The dog was mail and was covered in black as night fir and white spots on the paws and one on the eye one eye was blue and the other was green. you didn't know exactly what kind of dog but it didn't have curly long hair to it wasn't a poodle maby a mixture of a German shepherd and a husky ether way it was beautiful and amaz-

"Stop stop ha" you said with the puppy on you licking your face

Juuzou's pov

I was at the other side of the door with my ear presed against the door

"i guess she really liked my present well known it's time for some victory breakfast burritos" i said walking of to the kitchen

Back to normal pov
You where hanging put with the puppy and didn't know what to name it whene you wanted to call it over.....and you didn't wana name it without Juuzou's help so you walked out out your room with the puppy to smell a mixture of all kinds of food to tortillas, eggs, beans, rise, backen, sausage and so on.

"Oh" you never knew that Juuzou could cook so that explains the loss of words.

"Oh, (y/n) i didn't know you where up" he said lieing

you knew he was lieing because long ago you had a frend named hide and he shaired a lot with you on tells and hints if thair a ghoul or if thay are lieing and some other stuff, some times you wonder what he's up to.

"Oh really" you said to Juuzou with a brow rased

"I...um..wa...no"he said "i heard how you liked dogs yesterday so i got one for you" he said looking down at his feet playing with them

"Awwww Juuzou" you said huging him and the dog together

"Oh i almost forgot, what are we gonna name this little fuzzy babby" Juuzou said pating the dogs head

"Um....i don't know" you said "how about Juuzou jr" you said holding up the dog to the light

"Um....no when we have a giraffe i wana name him that" he said

"Oh right" ypu said a little confused but went with the flow "how about"

You and Juuzou both looked at each other

"Orio" you both said together.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now