promise but please don't lie#36

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You woke up still in the same position as last night and saw that it was around 9 so you woke nora up and she went home you also went to bed with Orio and fell asleep. In the middle of the nugjt you felt Juuzou sleep next to you wich made smile a little and go right back to sleep. You where in your little drem world wich you loved to visit time to time even when you day dream you go to your little world.

"Welp time to get rid of my perfect boyfriends" you thoght

Yes when you where a little younger you mabby made one or two or maby five imaginary perfect boyfriends. You remember when Kaneki and hide whould laght at this.

'What are you doing' doing' hide's voice raing in your head as the fash back came to mind

'Nothing' you said blushing and moving the pice of paper you where drawing on

'Come on you can trust us, right,' hide said pointing to him and Kaneki both

'Ok fine but don't laugh if you do i will punch you both' you said looking down at your drawing

You showed them the drawing of a few boys you made up and drown on the paper

'Um....what is it' Kaneki said

' imaginary dream boyfriend's who fight over me' you said looking away and blushing


'Omg hahahahah' they both said

'HEY!!!' you said a little mad 'you said you wouldn't laugh'

'Heh sorry' they both said

'And eny way who needs your imaginary dream boyfriends who fight over you when we have to to fight us' Kaneki said laugh

'True' you said laughing as well

You punched both of them playfully in the arm and went back to waching t.v. and playing murder mistory bordgames.

You didn't know but you where crying in your sleep, but soon went back to your dream state

That is until......


The clock went signaling you had to get up.

You tryed to get up but the blankets where ravaled all around you wich made it hard to get out and made you fall along with Juuzou. Your body was spreaded across the floor and thair was Juuzou who was on top of you with massy white hair and still was a little sleepy.

"Silly (y/n)" Juuzou said laughing a little and kissing you on the forehead befor geting off

Every one then started to get ready for work and yes even you. You didn't have eny more clean shirts so you got up and went in Juuzou's room and got a white shirt without one word because you knew when you where getting a shirt thair was a shirtless Juuzou behind you. You went to your room and put it in and got some (shorts/skirt/leggings/skinny jeans) then put them on. After you where done you went to the kitchen and made coffee and some breakfast burritos. Soon enough all of ypu went to work and all of you sat at your desks and once again you where bored.

'mmmm' you thought

You got up because you had noticed that siting in a chair in your desk won't help you fight ghouls. You grabed your quinque wich was in the form in a breaf case and walked down the hall to the training section, not making eye contact weth eny one.

As you keep on walking you find yourself at similar door and a sign that read

Trayning section

You opened the doors and got out your quinque and got ready to practic that is until some one spoke up.

"So you look like you ditched that boring desk as well haw" you hered a boys voice go

You turned to see a boy with black as night hair and ocean blue eyes leaning on the wall not really looking at you he also had a red and blue quinque in hand.

"How do they expect us to fight ghoul's when we are sitting in a desk all day"he said still looking off

"Exactly" you said wich cout him to look at you

He walked a little closer

"Name's kyo" he said holding out a hand

You gladly took it and said

"Your the boy at my door right?"

"Ya but as i said before it's only a part time job"

"Oh names (y/n) by the way"


"Ya" you told him

"You and Juuzou are a thing right" he said with a brow up

"Um...ya how did you know?" You said questionably

"I have my ways" he said happy "eny way are we gonna practice or not"


"Ya we who else do you see in hear" kyo said laughing a little


For a good one hour both of you practiced fighting each other and getting to know each other you knew he had a brother and he came into rhe CCG a few months ago and he already is a S class investigator and he promised you he will teach you to fight ghoul's easyer and faster.

"Do you really promise?" You said sitting down onthe bench with a whater Bootle in hand

"Of course i promise" he said smiling and sitting next to you

"I whant to protect the one's i love, you promise to teach me that?" You said still looking down

"Yes, i promise" he said looking down as well "enything for a new friend"

"Really?" You said looking up

"Yes and if i brake that promise, or lie to you about my feeling then" he said possing and crying a little

"I will let you stab me"

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