the dress#18

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You had pricked your self about two times. You had seen that thair are way to meny white shirts so you realize you had sowing supplies and arms so might as well make a dress out of them. You took two shirts and ripped the sleaves of one of them than got some white thred and did your thing. The dress had buttons all the way to the bottom and also had long sleaves and some lace in the dress, you had cut open the back of one of the shirts so it will show the back of your black bra but then covered the back with some lace so it looks fancy you put it on to see it was missing something a belt but yet you have none so you grabbed a suspender cut it and used it as a belt. You had to admit you did a pretty dam good job and you didn't know but it made you look cute in other words hot. You looked at the time to see you had enough time to do some other stuff that is until thair was a knock at the door. You walked up to the door and opened it to see Akira standing in front of you waiting a dark blue dress and her hair to be normal as usual and some black flats. He looked at you up and down and smiled.

"Did you make it?" She said "cuz if it is you need to make me one"

"Yes i did make it and 15 bucks"you said

"All right 15 buck's BUT you have to tair somthing else besides thoes to the restaurant she said pointing to your shoes

"What's wrong with my shoes" you said playfully

"Oh nothing" she said "ok we really need to do your hair, lets go" she said grabbing your hand and draging you to the bathroom

After a few minutes she did your hair and by that i mean she brushed it put some oily stuff so it will be shiny and soft and she was dune. 

As you walked out you saw Juuzou dressed in his normal clothes but without suspenders and with a tie

"You look pretty" Juuzou sad silly-ish

"So do you" you said grabbing his tie and throwing it at his face playfully

"Ok time to go" Mr.Shinohara said opining the door for all of you can go threw but what you didn't know was Juuzou had a plan.

Akira went in her car and you said if you could go with her and Mr.Shinohara said yes so you did and Juuzou went with Mr.Shinohara and Among. As miss among drove the car you sat in the passenger's and looked out the window that had city lights. In your opinion thay looked beautiful. Others might think that it's 'ok' but you loved it even tho the lights looked like all a blurry blobb in the collers green, blue, lime, purple, red, yellow, and so on and on. After about 20minutes you all got to the restaurant wich looked extremely expensive and fancy. You walked into the restaurant along with Akira, Mr.Shinohara, Juuzou, and Among. Once you stepped instead you felt a shiver go down your spine, then after your spine was done with it's shivering you looked around to see so meny white  Christmas lights all over the place but it didn't look messy more like even more fancy. Ypu had also noted that thair were bushes instead the restaurant. This restaurant was so frecking fancy thay had complementary roses.

'Who. W wa..what kind of restaurants have complementary ROSES!!!' You thoght 'well i guess an amazing restaurant'

You stood infront of the counter with the others until you feel something on your shoulders you turned to see Juuzou's arm around you. Then you felt something going swiftly behind your ear and hair it was Juuzou once again but he had placed a thorn-less rose in your hair. He had one to but on his shirt and so did Among and Mr.Shinohara, and even Akira had one in her hair. You looked passed Juuzou to see if the other people had happen to have roses on thim selves, and your theory was right thay all had them except for the children they had some sort of orchic crown.

"Have you been here before" you asked Juuzou

"Yes but not scince a long time, wow it's chainged a lot" Juuzou said "Mr.Shinohara knows the owner so we come here free"

"Cool" you said with shimmering eye's from the lights

"Come sit over her lady's and gentlemen" a mail worker said walking into the room whair all the others where eating.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now