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After you and Juuzou came home you set Juuzou jr on the floor and surprisingly Juuzou jr and orio got along together, as they played happily you and juuzou both sat on the couch waching anime wile you both played with each other's soft hair.

You where waching this anime for the first time and it was really amusing to you vairy much and thair where a lot of cute boy's you couldn't count how meny but probly up to 6 or 8 or somthing you cout interest in a few of then considering they where a little like you and where very cute. You didn't expect for this to come out but it did.

"(boy's name) is so cute" you whispered

Youed think he would hear....well he did

"Hey i can be cute!" Juuzou pouted his lips

"Oh you heard that" you said blushing to your ears

"Yes and dont say that eny more" he said crossing his arms and looking away

"Whay?" You questioned

"Because you're mine" he said smiling

"......." you simply said nothing

"What's wrong" Juuzou said tilting his head

"Really look at him and look at you, you're real and he isn't, and you know i will alway pick you right Juuzou" you said smiling

"Ya" he said looking off

"What's wrong?" You said

"I don't want this to end" he said hugging you

"It's ok we will make our love last as long as we can" you said hugging back

'Please don't leve me, ok'


"What?"Juuzou said

"Hm?" You saod confused
"You said ok" he said

"But you said don't leave me" you said

"No i said i love you"

'Then who said dont leave me?'

"Oh ok i love you to Juuzou" you said hugging him and falling asleep once again

'Promise' the same voice said

'Promise what?' Another went

'Dont leave me' the first one said

'I wont the second one' said

Who was saying this?

Was it another flash back

No it can't be

Then.....what was it

You woke up and saw ypu where in a hospital

"No this is a dream how am i hear!" You yelled

You turned to see nora, Juuzou, kyo, shinora, and a few others in hospital beds as well.

"J-Juuzou" you wispered tearing up

You wiped you're tears and went to the font of the bed to get your paper's to see what happened

Brain damage
Loss of blood
Ghoul bites on right sholder
Bloody knees

"When did this happen!!!" You yelled

You got off the bed and went to Juuzou and looked at his paper's. Practically everything was the same except for the end wich stated.

Might not survive

You got scared and looked at noras wich said the same thing you ran to mr. Shinoras and it said the same thing all of them did untill the cords couldn't reach far enough so you pulled them and ran out side nothing was thair everything empty

You fell to you're knees

"Some one tell me what happened" you wispered wile crying


You heard


It went again

"(Y/n)! Wake up!!!!"

You woke up again but this time not in a dream and Juuzou was thair...alive

"Are you ok" he said worryingly

"Ya I'm fine" you said

"But you're crying" he said

You touched you're cheek to see you where crying

"No it was nothing can we just go back to sleep" you said

"Ok" he said and falling asleep next to you on the couch

You really need to see someone about theas . . . thoughts or flash backs, or what ever they are you need to see some sort of therapist or something, maybe in the morning or something but right know you need to stay with Juuzou wile it lasts

-Wile it lasts-

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now