The fun ends #4

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It's been a few months and you've gotten used to the pain, it hasn't hurt as much as the first time. You don't really HATE it, to be honest, you liked it. They feed you well and dress you, you even go to school with Rei. Even though you don't really have many friends or payed much attention to the teacher, you liked to smell the fresh air when you had the chance. Right know you where in your cage listening to music. Mama said that if you and Rei be good you get to listen to music, and today she said she would allow it.

You sing along, humming to the song as its heard.

You where singing while drawing in your binder mama gave you and Rei for math and drawing. Right know you where drawing a girl with head phones and she is falling so her hair is covering her face a little.

"Wacha drawing, kitty?" Rei said using the nick name he gave you.

"Oh this." you said showing him.

"Wow your good at drawing!" he said happily.

"Thanks, let me see yours!" you said sitting criss cross.

He showed his and it was a drawing of a giraffe and to be honest it looked beautiful and better then yours. Even though if it was colored with purple and green.

"Wow that's amazing." you said.

And then suddenly mama came in.

"Where these kids, it's the ring." she said throwing you the same dress as last time and throwing Rei his shirt and shorts.

You put your dress on and he puts his shorts on. You where done, but couldn't find your mask.

"Hey Rei do you have my mask?" You asked

"Depends, dose it look like death?" he said

"Ya."you said

"Yup it's here, heads up." he said throwing it to you and you cought it.

You put it on and he put his on.

Then the man came in and unlocked the cages you and Rei had been in. You both ran down the hall to catch up with mama. In the end, he won.

"(Y/n) you go first today, OK?" she said

"Yes mama." you said walking down

You saw her, she was standing there and you stood in front of her you ran up to her but she ran too. She looked back to see.....nothing. She looked in front of her and there you where. She fell back and you got on her and cracked her arms. Then you headed for her head.

"P...please no..i will do en..eny thing" she said

"Thanks for the head's up but no, all i want right now are my big girl point's 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, come on come on 60?...dang it she pooper."

You heard the crowd chear with happiness. You walked back up next to mama, and Rei went down. You watched him crack the man's head and saw he got 70 big boy points so far then suddenly there was a crash causing everyone to scream in horror.

"Help, help I've fallen and i can't get up!!" you herd mama say but you couldent find her.

"Mama where are you!?!" You said

"It's big madam get her!!" You could hear men say.

"MAMA WHERE ARE YOU DON'T LEAVE ME!" you said crying a little

You wached all the ghouls run out. You ran to where Rei was but he wasn't there

"REI!!" You said hoping to hear an answer but there wasn't."please, don't leave me, not again."

(That's the end of that next chapter is when your not 11 any more.)

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now