liveing with them#7

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In the car you where eating a few of your ok scratch that a lot of your candys. Until the car stoped that's when you stoped eating your candy and looked out the window. You got out of the car to see a building.

"We are on the 7th floor out of 8 floors" Mr Shinohara said wich gave you sine to go on.

You got out and ran to the elevator. You pressed the button wich made a 'boop' sound and wated for it. It y
Then open and you went inside. You where standing in the elevator pushing the button that makes it open. Then you saw juuzou jump in with you and Mr. Shinohara walking in then you stoped pressing the button. There was elevator music but it was a good kind of music it was Fake you out by Tweny one pilot's. The elevator stopped making your hands let go of the handle and run out the elevator spinning and waching Mr. Shinohara walking out....but whair is Juuzou..

Flash back in the car

"Hey you wanna make a deal" juuzou said happily

"Ok what is it" you said tilting your head

"Who ever gets to the room first has to have the others candy." He said with a eye brow raised

"Um.....ok but what room is it" you said

"Room 69"(he he get it naw ok)

"All right it's on" you said sharing his hand

End of flash back

"Why that little..." you said running

"55, 56, 57, 58, 59" you said running bye all the doors "60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, !69!" You said opening the door to find a Juuzou on a couch hanging from the arm rester looking at you.

"What took you so long~" Juuzou said with a evil/cute smirk

You pouted and said "no fair you cheated"

"Ok fine but i get one candy ok" he said standing up

"Um....all right" you said shrugging your shoulders

Mr.Shinohara walking in and put his bag next to the couch and walked to a door and opened it.

"This will be your room (y/n)" Mr.Shinohara said.

You looked in the room to see a blue queen bed with a desk next to it and on top it had blue thread and two needles, ther was also a white desk with a chair and on the desk ther where two adult coloring books that had meny patterns in it and a phone, computer, pencils, art supplies and a small lamp, and next to the door was a t.v with a Xbox pluged in with some games,well that's all you saw but you could tail ther was more but you would have to look around.

You walked into the room and looked at the small book shelf and took out a book, looked in it, and was happy cuz you've wanted to read this book for a wile. You jumped on the bed and said 'thank you' over and over again.

Sooner or later you fell asleep.

Third person pov

As (y/n) sleeped peacefully in her new room. Juuzou and Mr. Shinohara where in the living room. I will start with the food. But Mr. Shinohara stopped when Juuzou grabbed his hand

"Can we have pizza for dinner?" Juuzou said cheerfully

"Pizza?" Mr.Shinohara said confused

"Yes, with bread sticks to" Juuzou said with his sparkling eye's wich wher really hard to say no to.

"All right be good i will go out to get the pizza" Mr. Shinohara said leaving

"Ok we will" Juuzou said with a inosent smile

Juuzou then went to the new room with blue walls and saw a adorable sleep (y/n) laying on her queen bed. He looked at her for a wile and had bits of flash backs from when you both where children. Untill he remembers that when he was a kid he Kinda had a crush on you.

'Do i still like her'

'What am i even think'

'Shut up Juuzou'

Was what he was thinking and he left to his room to do junk he likes doing

Your pov

You woke up and fell of the bed with a *bunk* and a "owy"you then got up as if nothing ever happened and looked around to see two doors and in the middle was a night stand looking thing with a red present on top with a neatly white ribbon.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now