falling for you;-) 😉#12

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Read the tidle then read in to see why thair are so meny winking emojis cuz u made a pun
😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉-;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Normal pov
You had woken up on your bed without the book wich has been removed from your face and on the floor. The time is 7:14 and work starts at 9:00, Mr. Shinohara had said to wake up at 7:20 but you have a little time left and what's the point of going back to bed eny way. You chainged your bra and underwear because you hadn't showered yesterday. Then you put on a white button up plain shirt with blue suspenders haing down, and black laggings with (f/c/fav color) flats. You looked in the mirror that was hanging in your room to see your hair was a mess, it kinda looked like when Ana woke up in frozen. You got a hair brush and it went thrue the (h/l) (h/c) hair that belongs to (y/n). (You don't stile your hair unless it's a bow or brades or something but your hair CAN'T be up in a pony tail sorry) you walked to the kitchen at a time of 7:20 you can hear Mr. Shinohara and Juuzou's album go off in each bed room and both wining like bsbbys. You made pancakes, bakon and eggs in the time of 7:56. You put the food on each plate. Unit Mr.Shinohara came out of his room dressed in a tuxedo like yesterday.

"Can you wake Juuzou i don't think he woke up" he said grabbing the plate of food and eating it at the counter.

"Okay" you said shrugging and knocking onto Juuzou's door no reply expect for a grown and a 'five more minutes'

"Juuzou get up" you said from the out side

'Aaaaagh' he moned from the other side

"I made pancakes" you said and that's when you herd sheats ruffleing and then a thud.

You already have a idea what happened he hured to get up and dressed then fell of his bed... oh wate what of he got really hurt and he's bleeding. You thought

"Juuzou are you ok" you said worrying

No awnser

You opened the door to see a Juuzou on the floor rubbing his head wich was bleeding gust a tad. You got a wet cold rag and went to Juuzou and moved his hand and put the rag in his head. He looked at you with a weard look, as if he has never been caired for when you have a fever. That's when you saw juuzou had no shirt on

'What the heck how did he get a six pack' you thought to yourself

"Ok i need to go make your plate" you said "get reddy to ok" you then walked out the door.

You mase your plate and his plate it was about 8:23 and you put on the news. Some the beng eating ghoul wonen has stopped and somthing about a boy. You cant pece it up to gether right now but you dod write it down on a note book. Juuzou came out of his room waiting his normal clothes.

You where already eating and Juuzou sat next to you, you where still talking notes. They didn't show the boys name only his hair color langth wich was short and black. And they said that this has happend about 3 week's ago but forgot to air it live. And in other news thair was a new top ghoul, named eye pach. No one has seen a good view of him before so it's hard to track him down un one location. You tryed to pice it up if it had eny contenton.wich it did after the kid got surgery he started to work at Antaku wich is owned by a friendly ghoul and they work thair to. So is it possible that when the doctors did the surgery that they where to bussy to see he was a ghoul or maybe they didn't check the woman and she might of been a ghoul and changeing tge organs might of had a affect on the boy a-

"Are you gonna eat your food" Juuzou said

"Oh...wa sorry i was thinking no you can have it" you said

"You shor" he said picking up the pancake

"No" you snatched the pancake out of his hand and bit into it "ok know i am" you said

Ok he ate the rest of his food and you ate that one pancake and thinking about your theary again.
Until it turned 8:45 that's when you all got up and went to the CCG.

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