funeral room# 52

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"Go ahead when ready" she said again as if she was pushing you to go in already

You stood up and walked into a hall way with millions of other hallways and bilions of more doors....well no not really thaire was only three doors in this hall way. You walked into one but it was a bathroom. You walked into another to see people talking only to turn thair full attention to you.

"Oops." you said smiling and getting out of the room

You saw the last door wich HAD to be the therapists room. You walked close to the door and saw the sign that said


"Why didn't i see this earlier?" You said to yourself

You then walked into the room. It was quiet, and dark.

"Hello, how are you." A voice said

"Hello, Who are you" you said dragging the who.

"Oh sorry excuse me" they said as they turned on the lamp "ah better, take a seat mis....?"

"(Y/n) (l/n)." you told her

"Ok mis (I/n) sit down." you walked up to her and sat on the other side of the desk.

She had dark long black hair to wich was perfectly straight and a sute with dark colors, she did not look fun.

You looked down not making eny eye contact what so ever and not wanting to. You held on to your suspenders knowing that they where probably the one thing that was really colorfull in this room.

"Today i will be asking you some questions and you will have to write a few things down" she said smiling

How could she be smiling, she is practically giving you homework! You looked away and frowned a little. Why couldn't Juuzou ask someone fun to give you therapy and NOT someone boring. You where trying to find a way out of this dark room and try to fall into a fun colorfull one, using your imagination. You tryed your hardest but even your imagination has died long ago as a child. You looked up and saw the light was tan ish and the fan was on, it was dimed. No wonelder it was so dark. You looked back at her and saw she was talking, but your ears where like a sheald away from her bland and monotone voice. You saw her lips moveing, trying to say something, but you couldn't hear a thing...and didn't really want to. You looked off again but this time to anywhere but her.

"Excuse me mis (l/n), have you been listening to what i have been saying or are you intensely trying to block out my voice in eny way possible?" She said

You looked at her, only hearing the last few sentences.

"Mmmm, the second one." You said telling the truth

Well it was true, you where in fact trying to block her voice out as possibly as you could. You looked away as she started to tell you some more stuff but you still didn't care to listen to what she say. You simply just wanted to get out of this as possible. Your eyes went half way meaning you where bord and wanted no part of this. It looked as if you where drowning half way to sleep, but you wherent.

You then looked at her and smiled making your eyes pop out with color once more like it did before you stepped into this room. Your hands slammed onto the wood desk and you gave her a closed eye smile.

"Ya know what, i don't think therapy is really my thing...and i can being a lunatic for the rest of my life." You said giggling at the end

She was speechless, a loss of words, nothing else to say.

As you where about to walk out you stopped at the door way with a half opened door. You looked back at her, hand still on the door knob.

"Ya know what? You should add some color in hear it looks like someone died, and don't dress like a funeral threw up on you. You would lose all your costumers. Well have a good evening!" You said cheerfully and walked out to the hall way

You walked down the hall and passed the desk walking out the door to see Mizuki and Maki in hand. You stood to look at them but then walked past them.

"Come on, that was boring so let's go have some fun."

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now