not again #47

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You woke up at some random time wich you didn't cair or wanted to cair about. It was around probably 6:00 because no one was awake but thair was a Juuzou on the floor. He must've fallen off the couch in the middle of the night. You walked past him being careful not to wake him and went to the kitchen to get some (worm milk/ Coffey/ tea/ cold milk). You pored it into a to go cup and walked to you're room and sat on you're bed getting out you're lap top. What where you surching up? well you where surching up therapy thair it said that a few people where helping out but you weren't really shour about this so you surched up something else.
You felt the keys tipe as you're fingertips pressed the words

Could therapy mean you're crazy

When you wrote that so meny things poped up. You emedeetly ran down the screen and read half of them most of them said yes and by crazy not that crazy like you ate a laddy bug in kindergarten but the crazy in the head crazy and if you wherw the CCG would....kick you out.

You put on some (shorts/pants) a normal (color) shirt and a jacket some knifes and your laptop and walked out the door.

Of course leaving a note before you left, you where heading to the park, thair it will be easyer to think. You walked for a wile until you saw a familiar looking place up in the distance. The park...the one whair you're REAL mama died. You ran to the park and ran through the green grass down to the............fountain. the fountain? Yes the fountain whair you would make wishes by dropping coins in.

'You drop a quarter it means you're wishes are generated to come true'

Your mom's voice raing

You always believed that. That was the day you stopped throwing penny's and quarter's instead.

You remember the day you're mom gave you ten dollars for ice cream and you through it in the whater...she was freaking out but in the end you two couldn't stop laughing you're butts off. Good times.

You then snaped out of you're daze and went to work. You started to tipe things such as


Can therapy mean you're crazy in the head

How to know when you're crazy in the head

When do you know you should take therapy

Best anime to wach....

Forget the last one but the rest where about this. Thair was this one that seemed good. It was some girl that helped out with therapy and it was only 14 dollars an hour other's said 20 or 30 dollars an hour to you signed up sent her some text saying 'you wanted her to help you' amd she said 'yes' you asked 'what time' and she said 'around 1:00 today she was free' you looked at the time and saw it was 11:00 you had time to spare so how about spending that time wisely and go to Antako to get another (tea/Coffey/milk..i donno) because your throught was feeling a little dry.

'Maby while i'm thair i can get a cookie for Juuzou and i' You thoght as you ran down the street and then suddenly

The car tiers went along the rod's asphalt.

You're eye's widened and closed shut as your brain shut as well but from fear you had no idea what to do so your arms went close to you're chest and you stood not moving a muscle from fear.

Then everything went dark

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