intimidateing words#53

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Mizuki and Maki looked at each other in confusion on what you ment but then thoght it would be best to follow along with you. You got your phone out and texted Juuzou.

You :Let's go get some candy

Juuzou the stupid: ok, that sounds like fun!😻


Juuzou's pov

I looked at my phone to see (y/n) had texted me. Hopefully it went well and a bunch of giraffes escaped the zoo...well that would be pretty cool.

I looked at my phone and saw what she texted me.

My phyco: Let's go get some candy

Me: ok, that sounds like fun!😻

My phyco: I'm inviting a few freands.😁

Me: OoOoO what's the special occasion?😜


You looked at your phone and saw he texted.

Juuzou the stupid : OoOoO what's the special occasion?😜

Me: the lady was boring and looked like she got kicked out of rainbow school on the first day!°-°

Juuzou the stupid: WE NEED CANDY FAST!

you giggled and put your phone away.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Maki said in her usual tone

"No, only my freand." You lied

She looked at you. Then looked back at her feet as you three walked.

She knows you where lieing

Not like you wherent happy to be Juuzou's girlfriend you just...boy freand is such a strong word and it seems to intimidate you very easily....very very easily.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now