good evening my love#28

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Above is a picture of how i would look like in ANIME

Juuzou was on the floor with no movement in his stomach.

"J...Juuzou" you said with your pupils small and scared all riten on your face.

"Juuzou" you said nealling down to him and shakeing him hoping he would wake up "no no please Juuzou don't die on me" you cried with teatrs streaming down your face.

You looked around thair was no blood, thair was no other humin being, thair was nothing but a spilt whater Bootle next to him and other simple things like the couch and table and junk.

You shook him, and shook him and again but nothing happened. You tryed to do the Heimlich remover but nothing hapend you then thoght that mabby giving him CPR would work. You placed him on the floor gently and pressed your hands on his chest not yet pushind down.

"I love you" you said wispering

You then smashed your hands agenst his chest not feeling a heart beat. You pushed about a few mor times until you presed your gental lips on his and gave him air you did this till he started to mumbul a little.

"Juuzou, stay with me" you said pushing against his chest

You pushed about two more times and put your lips against his once more. You breathed one time and it made him open his eyes. You didn't know and he didn't whant you to stop till you stop, to admit it he liked it. You looked at him with your lips backing away from his and he was alive.

"JUUZOU" you said huging him tightly and giving him a quick kiss "what happened?"

"I don't know" he said rubbing his head "oh ya i remember i um..i was sitting down waching YouTube and then when i took a sip of whater it turned out i took a really big sip of whater and choked on it...heh heh ya"

Thair was then a acword silence until you started to cry again but this time you actually emotionally broke down on the floor crying.

"(Y(y/n) you....ok" Juuzou said silently

You looked up at him and takeled him down kissing his face all over but unfortunately for Juuzou every wair EXCEPT his mouth.

"Don't leave me" you said huging him and resting your head on his chest

"I will NEVER leave you (y/n)" Juuzou said huging back

"What you're lieing" you said backing up from him and sitting next to the laying Juuzou

"W.what no" he said blushing a little
"Yes you are, you can't deny it Juuzou" you said to him

"Ok, yes i am but how?"you asked

"I have my ways" you said curling his hair "tell me Juuzou, what really happened?"

"Um...well i was on my phone waching try not to laugh video's with whater in mouth and when it was to funny i was supposed to spit it out but then" Juuzou said possing "then it went south and i chocked"

"It's ok, i just thoght it was something really bad" you told Juuzou

Juuzou's pov

'I can't tell her if i do it will ruin everything, i need a plan and fast'

Normal pov

You both spent the next hour waching t.v and you avenchaly fell asleep on Juuzou's chest.

Dream/flash back

You saw a younger version of you, You where at home walking to the fridge or the microwave and you got a.... bag of popcorn and walked to the living room wair two other people where fact thair where boys. One had black as space hair.

'Kaneki' you wispered

And one other boy but this one had Orange red ear phone on his neck and blond-ish Orange hair.

'Hide' you wisperd once again but this time putting your hand up only to see a some what force feald in your way on continuing your actions beyond the barior

'What ever happened?' You whispered closeing your eye's feeling tears well up until a paper had to hit you in the face You grabbed it it said

One nothing..two nothing
Three something.

This, this disturbing pice of paper that changed your life, and definitely not in a good way....but thair was one good thing, Juuzou.

You then woke up without Juuzou's hands on you but instead a sleeping orio and....blood red rose petals?

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now