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It was dark, the only light seemed to be from your phone. Iluminating your face, your phone. For a moment, you read Juuzus name. Then, youe thumb lightly taped on the red button. When doing this, you felt weird. What was this feeling? It was as if, for a second, you forgot everything. You walked to the window of the cafe, Nora was still there ordering drinks. Then it happend again. Who is that? Why am i outside of a cafe? What is this? Everything came back. Why did i forget everything?

"H-h-heyyyy,,,,(yyyy/NnNNn),,uuuuu, okAyey?"

Everythinh began to glich uncontrollably. Your memory, it was weird.

"N-nora are you ok?"

"YESSSS, immm f-f-f-f ine"

Your eyes widend in horror as you saw everything arownd you change. Your hands found there way to ypur hair. Tuging on it you screamed. You dident know what was happening, do you even want to know?

"Stop! Shut up"

Everything got blurry, everything was gliching. What was happening? Looking up, Everything was dark. Goodbye city. Goodbye Nora...Goodbye juuzou.

Wakeing up, you looked arownd. What happend. Where is Nora, where is Juuzu? Wasent everything ending?...wate, what was ending? Who is Nora, who is Juuzu? I thought I was in front of a cafe- a cafe? It must of been a dream? In that case, why am I in a hospital bed? Looking around you see some tubes connected to your arm.

"What the heck!" You said fiddling with them "Where am I!"

You looked around the room again, the door was to your left. You forcfuly riped off the tubs conected to your arm. You took off the breathing mask on your face.

'I need to find them, I don't know who they are, but I need to find them.'

Jumping off the bed, your bare feet pressed agenst the ice cold floor.














That's when the door opend.

"I see your up, (y/n)"

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now