bad dad but good frends #35

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"My daddy"

"Your dad would send this to you?" Nora said

"Yes" you said crying "who else smells like beer and sigerets and knows my name?"

"Oh poor you" she said brushing your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"(Y/n)!!" Juuzou said running to "you are you ok?"

You cryed some more

"What happened?!?" Juuzou asked nora

"Well um...." she said but wispered the rest because she knew it would heart you and she was a good friend

"Hear give her to me" Juuzou wispered to her and she handed you to him

Once you where in his arms you clenchedhis shirt and rested your head on his cheast and cryed a little and holding on for dear life

"Let's go home i think we had enough training for today"Shinohara said

You didn't look up all you did was stay in Juuzou's. You felt him cairing you bridal style wich made you blush but you where still sad. You felt him go in the car and felt the car drive until you felt your eye's get heavy and fell asleep still in his arms.

That is until you felt the conffert of your bed against your face and boddy then a soft yet fluffy dog like figure next to you. You rhen dell asked once again, but no other human figure next to you.


You woke up in the morning


Is what you would describe this morning

You got up and so did Orio who scrached at the door signaling he had to pee. You opened te door and he went to the back yard and went through the doggy door and dis his business wile you looked on the fridge and saw a note that said.

We thoght that you should take a day off work so we talked to the CCG and thay said ya but only for today feel free to get out of the house and relax, today's you day off and jeat is some money we will be at work if ypu need us and you already now Shinoharas number so call if needed something bye bye

You read the note and placed it back on the fridge and took the money wich was 100 dollar's

You didn't feel good so you sat on the couch and called nora to see if she was busy or if she was free.


You:Hey nora?

Nora:Ya what's up?

You:I'm bored and lonly whana come over?

Nora: ya shur enything for a friend
You:ok thanks

Nora: whate what are we gona do?

You: anime

Nora: eyyyyyy

You: eyyyyyy

You both hung up and you went to the kitchen and heated up some popcorn. You then looked down and you where in the same clothes as yesterday so you went to your room and put on some (comfortable bottom) on and Juuzou's shirt

'Hopefully he won't mind' you thoght to yourself as you put it on

You then walked out and got the popcorn out and into a boul. You then got some chip's as well amd some other random junk food. You then had and idea but the shook it off but then it came back and you couldn't stop thinking about it.

'Should i invite?' You thoght 'no i can't it's been one year'

You then hered the door bell ring and you went to open it

"Your not nora?" You said confused

"Yes but i am kyo" the boy with black as night hair and blue eye's said bowing "i'd like to offer you saome free sampaled pastry treets"he said all fancy

"Yes and you can drop the act" you said

"Ok thank you, my boss said he will fire me if i don't sell enough but not really a bug deal theis is only a part time job" he said acting normal "so what's up you whant the samples or.." he said

"Ya i will take four" you said

"Wow really?" He he happly

"Ya i will take two(cinnamon, vanilla chocolate, blueberry, apple, coconut) and one (other flavor)"you said

"Hear you go enjoy" he said smiling "and hear is my number"

" i have a boyfriend" you said blushing and looking away

"No not like that in case you whant more pastry treets" he said giving you a losed eye smile

"Oh ok then" you said taking it

He then left and went to the other doors. Soon enough nora came and you both wached anime. You both where in the middle of waching the (number) episode of (eny anime but not Tokyo Ghoul, i highly suggest you wach Hetalia 😺) but soon fell asleep around 5:00. You and nora where sleeping on each other your head was on her arm and her head was on your lap and little Orio in your arms.

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