mama said it was ok#22

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It has been about five days since you and Juuzou both slept to together and you both still do but since then you haven't ben able to actually go out and kill ghouls. Well that will chang today today you will all have a meading and you will tell them that it's time to let you fight. You have done so much training and you can even beet Akira, And Among at the same time but your still practicing three people but eny ways you sat at your desk in deep thoght on how you should tell them it's time for you to go out and flight for the good of Tokyo. You where about to think even harder until someone had to interrupt you.

It was some random man who said that he needed back up. You know him his name was...keji ling (i'm making this up) and you would sometime hang out with you and help you fight but right know isn't the time to be out of track right know he and the other CCG members need back up thay need

You ran down stairs to go to the van. You where already in your armer thing the thing was the van was mostly, ok no scrach that the van had only boy's and you wher the only girl and the armer showed your curves. You didn't cair you focused on the mission, ok not really you got bored a little and played with your hair and wished you brought marshmallows to eat. That is until the van stopped. The door opened and you saw a huge building with people in red robes, you guessed that those where the ghouls. You looked around and found Juuzou, he looked bored but to be fair it wasn't exciting so of course he'd be bored cuz you where to. You walked up next to him.

"Oh hey (y/n)!" Juuzou said happily

"Hey, are you bored i am even tho i just got hear" you said waiting for a answer

"Ya a little oh" he said finaly looking at you because the houl time you talked he didn't look at you till know "you look cute"

"So do you" you said flipping his hair in his face playfully

You both blushed a little then got bored once more.

"Hey (y/n) i have a idea" he said machining you to him

"What is it?" You questioned him

"You see that motorcycle" Juuzou started

"Ya" you stated

"Well what if i drive it will you come with me?" Juuzou said hopeing you're anser was yes

"Yes of course" you said to Juuzou

"Well let's go have some fun"he said walking to the motorcycle with you walking close behind him.

'If mama was here i wonder what she would say?' You and Juuzou thought but didn't tell each other

'Mama would probably say that it would be ok' you both said in your own minds still not telling each other

Juuzou climed on first silently as the owner wasn't paying attention. You climed on as well and raped your arms around him.

"Redy teddy~" he said

"Yup" you said

"Wohhh" you both said as he drove it it started of slow but then went really fast then went hight into that air, you could of sworn you hered some one saying HEY or MY MODORCYCLE but ignored it.

"GOOD!!" You both said in perfect harmony "EAVNING"

You and Juuzou then both jumped out of the motorcycle. You both stumbled onto the floor only to quickly stand up and shoot the ghouls with this neet gun Juuzou gave you. You and Juuzou both killed all the ghouls, and to make Mr.Shinohara not so worried that ypu guys might of been hurt you both held hands and stood up infront of the window then thair was a crash. Probably the motorcycle you both discarded skarded in order to kill the ghouls.

Long story short the owner got mad and said you had to pay him back but the truth is we didn't. Then you all went home and had dinner and fell fast asleep but this time Juuzou said he was gonna sleep in his room because he didn't wanna wake you when he comes in your room from taking a shower but you know that wen he's dry he will come back to your room only to sleep with you once more.

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