something new#31

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You both got out of the car and walked back into the room and you sat down thinking about what Kaneki said

'Make out?' You thoght 'me and Juuzou?'

"Hey (y/n) are you ok" Juuzou said leaning from the right side with his white hair in his face a little

"Oh what um..ya I'm alright" you said hesitatedly

"Are you shhhhhooooooyyyyyyyyrrrrr~" he said leaning in a little

"Yes I'm shour" you said putting your hand on his face wich made him step back a little wile you giggled

"You seem different" he said "you aren't happy and more like thinking"

"It's because i am" you told him

"Ok then" he said smiling "then what are you thinking about" he questioned

You then could feel your checks heat and couldn't stop it

"(Y/n) senpai" he sang " teeellll mmmmmeeeeeee"

You looked away from him and you tryed to think harder

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hye hye hye hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hye hye hye hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hye hye hye hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hye hye hye hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hye hye hye hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hye hye hye hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hye hye hye hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hye hye hye hey hey

You hered in the back round as you where still thinking

'Well i do love him and he loves me but i don't whant stuff to get TO heated in our relationship'  'when should i make out wih him or should i what for when he does it' i still don't even know if he is innocent or clean as in he knows what um....lemon is but he is still nice' 'ahggggggg life is so hard' 'should i tell him or not i think i should whate no i can't'

You then suddenly felt a pair of worm lips against yours it was Juuzou

He then let go quickly

"Know can you tell me" he said desperately trying to know what you where thinking of

"Um...well" yousaid blushing

"Oh come on you can tell me" he said exactly

"" you said scratching the back of your neck

"Come on come on come on" he said over and over

"Iwaswonderingwewillevermakeoutlikeforalongtimeyouknow" you said extremely fast

"Oh that was it" he said tilting hes head to the side

"Yes" you said a little red

"Oh my goodness" he said laughing his butt off

"H-HEY! It's not funny" you said pouting

"It might not be funny but it shur is cute" he said leaning in

You felt his lips against yours one again but this time he didn't stop and he even tryed to ask for permission to slide his toung in but you said no and he was sad but went with it you both then had to let go to breath.

"Whas thet good?"he said trying to catch his breath

"Um....i don't know?" You said in shock that he even tryed stickinh his toung in

"That was fun" he said giggling

"YA UNTIL YOU TRYED TO DO THAT TOUNG THING" you said playfully punching him on the arm

"Owwwwyy" he wined "you said you whanted to make out and that's how you make out"

"Oh, but can't you make out without the toung!?!?" You questioned

"I DON'T KNOW?!?" He said confused

"Juuzou you just said-(bing)"you said but got interrupted by your phone saying a text from Akira that said you both had to go to work tomorrow to get your vairy first Quinque in other words wepen to help you take down the ghouls like what Juuzou has.

"JUUZOU I'M GONNA GET A QUINQUE!!! MY FIRST QUINQUE" you said exactly looking at your phone

"REALLY!!!"he said jumping up and down "WHEN?!"

"TOMORROW" you said jumping with him

"T-tomorrow?" He said stopping

"Ya tomorrow is thair somthing wrong?" You questioned him

"Oh no it's nothing~" he said getting over it and tryed to use something els to chaing the subject "did she seend you a picture?"

"Sadly no but happy it's a surprise" he said smiling

"!YAY!" He said happy "victory ice cream!!"he said going into the kitchen

You both got a few scoops of ice cream and put candy on top and ate it you both then Wached t.v. not noticeing the new text you got when you both had fellen asleep together on the couch

The text you had gotten was this

Akira: oh ya Shinohara is coming back but in three days he might leave again but ya he is at the air port and takeing a cab he will be thair soon

Akira: (y/n)?

And that was all

Soon enough mr.Shinohara came hom and saw you two sleeping and put a blanket over you two and went to his room to sleep.

Work has been hard but i can deal with it. I went in my room and sat on my bed waching t.v. that had some old game show. I got up grabbed a beer and sat back down. I have been doing better with my..problem i have been drinking less then i don't whana remember i took a sip from my beer bottle and sat on my bed looking through my phone. i was going through the internet looking at photos and funny memes until i decided to check the top 10 wich means you can see the top 10 liked photos i looked and saw a bunch of cat photos and dog memes and stuff untill i saw something new yet different.

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