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Mr.Shinohara, Juuzou, and you all walked to a room with two big steal doors. They both opened and you walking into a room with white walls and one big table with a big gray sheeat covering it.

"Helo you must be (y/n)" a boy in white and black hair that covered his eye's said "your gonna get your first Quinque right?"

"Yes" you said smiling

"Nice to meet you" he bowed and you did as well

"You to"

"So what kind of Quinque is she getting?" Juuzou questions

"Well Juuzou, Quinques come in meny shapes and sizes and menny colors as well it mostly depens on the ghoul" he said " the ghoul's Kagan is what we use to make Quinques and (y/n) got a very well made one indeed, she got her's from a S rated ghoul"

"What really!?" Juuzou said with his eye's liting up

"Yes and he went by the name The crying mask because his mask looked like he was crying, we just cout him a few days ago and it took us five years to catch him, not even modo could catch him" he said looking down then back up again "ready to see your Quinque?"

"Ya" you said happaly

He took off the covers and it revealed a two sided reaper thing with the colors blue, red, and purple.

"Woh upgrade"Juuzou said in the back round

You picked it up and surprisingly it was really light.

"I'm gonna name it Timothy" you said huging it

"I'm guessing you like it" the boy said

"Like i LOVE IT" you said jumping up and down with Timothy "ima try it out" you said running to a big steal block wich you sliced in half without eny hesitate

"I LOVE THIS SOO MUCH" you yelled out lout because you where really far from Juuzou and mr.Shinohara

"Hey can i show her mine?" Juuzou said to mr.Shinohara who gave a yes and Juuzou ran out to get it

You walked back up to mr. Shinohara and asked

"Whairs Juuzou?"

"He's getting his Quinque" Shinohara replied

"Oh ok" you said

"Befor you go killing ghouls i need to tell you a few things about your Quinque or in your words (coff coff) Timothy " the boy interrupted " thair will be a button in the middle press it twice and it will break apart try it"

You looked at your Quinque and pressed the button twice and it broke apart

"Cool" you said

"Know clip them back together"

You did as he said and they clipped together

"now press it once and it should turn into a breaf case" he said

You pressed it once and it did it turned into a dark blue-ish black-ish breaf case

"Wow" you said smiling

"HEY (Y/N) CHEACK THIS OUT" you hered

You turned your head to look as Juuzou whom had his breaf case and he pressed his button and it turned into a Quinque under a second and he went to the steel box you cut and sliced the one next to it

"I'm really sorry I will pay for the expenses" mr.Shinohara said to the boy with black hair

"WOW" you said

You went up to Juuzou with your breaf case and saw that the one he cut was smother then yours and he noddiced as wall

"It's ok (y/n) i can train with you so you can learn how to use your Quinque" he said smiling

"Okay" you said smiling back

"Guys time to go!!" Shinohara said yelling and walkinh out the door

Juuzou made his into a breaf case and ran with you to Shinohara.

"What are we doing next?" You asked as you both went out the two steal doors.

"You need to practice with your Quinque" Shinohara said to you

"CAN I TEACH HER?" Juuzou said raising his hand

"Juuzou you just got yours like, 4...5 weeks ago" Shinohara said turning his head to face Juuzou

"Ya and I'm already a prow at it" Juuzou complained

"Juuzou maby next time but for know some one else needs to teach her"

/A few minutes later\

"What do you mean we can't get some one else to teach her" Shinohara said talking to one of the head CCG members

"I mean we can't afford to 'accidentally' let a ghoul in" he said with his blonde-ish brown hair in his face "Shinohara you know thair have been more and more ghoul's lately"

"Yes i know but-" he said but got interrupted

"Then you understand" he said looking out his window in his dark office

"Yes i understand" Shinohara said "but who will teach her?"

"I will" Juuzou said

The top CCG man turned to Juuzou and got a mad

"Juuzou mr. Shinohara and the meany- i mean the adults are talking" you wispered holding his arm back

"I will arrange some one with experience woth a quinque her status to help her" he said still with no expeson and looking out his window

"Ok" Shinohara said walking out "let's go kids"

All of you where walking out the doors and know where at the hallway until you stopped and huged mr. Shinohara

"What's this for?" He said smiling

"Thank you" you said still huging him

"Know what's that for?" He asked still smiling

"For being the closesd thing to being my dad" you said crying a little

"No, thank both of you for being the closest to being my children" he said huging you and Juuzou

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now