blood or paint #23

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It was a beautiful Wednesday, what no a Thursday  ...... actually you have no idea what day it was so you then decided to look at your phone to see it was Friday wich ment you bad to get dressed so you did and did your hair (yes it can even be down that counts) and put on a little lip stick and was done. The boys where sleeping and work wasn't till later so you got your wallet and waled downstairs to the elevator then outside.

"I will be back, i'm going to Starbucks you want anything?" You said to the two people who work in the front wich were Nichi, and kio one boy and other girl.

"No thank you i already have one" Nichi said rasing her drink

"Um...if it isn't much work i would like one, iced coffee with wiped cream and caramel" the black haired boy with blue high lights said shyly "i know it sounds weard but it tastes amazing"

"It's alright i will get it and you don't owe me enything"you said walking of because it's only three shop's next to the apparent. You passed Max's home made cupcakes and then you saw starbuck's you went in and ourdered kio's drink, your drink, and Juuzou's drink. Once you got the drinks you looked at the cupcakes.

"Hey you" a black haired girl with big breasts said "wahat kind of cupcake you looking for"

"(Two Cupcake flavors)" you told her

"Cairalin get me (two cupcake flavors)"the girl named max said

(This is actually a tv show called two broke girls, and that's how i got max and cairolin thair really funny but it's a little inorpropriet soo)

Than a blonde haired girl with small brests came in and gave you your orderd cupcakes and you where going to give them money but the cairolin one thoght you where to nice and max said that she diged your stitches so it was on the houce. You went back to the Apparent and gave kio his drink and once you got to the room Juuzou was already awake and so was Mr.Shinohara but as suspected he already had his home made coffee. You gave Juuzou his red frosted cupcake and drink and you ate your cupcake and drunk your drink. That was your breakfast (drink) and a (flavered) cupcake. You then went in the car with Juuzou and Mr.Shinohara to go to work. Once you arrived at work you sat at your desk and spun around in your chair until you got dizzy. Juuzou had to stay in his desk and so did Taki, so basically it was like school with a really strict teacher. You opened your laptop and went on google to surch stuff up copy it and hang it on your wall. Wich you did and got bored again. So you spun around in your chair some more. This baysikly happend for the rest of the day, spinning and copying. Well only if you don't count when you where going to get a small snack then you bumped into Juuzou who had (favorite chips), then you had his favorite chips so you both trated and went back to class-er your boring desks. You then thoght that if you made something for Juuzou that he'd be happyand grateful so you started to cut out a white heat, you then plugged your ear buds into the laptop to listen to music. You went threw the bag you brought and got the red paint and splattered it on the heart and wrote in the middle

I love you senpai

You thoght it was cute, but what was coming to you you would have never expected. The red paint then suddenly spilled all over you like literally all over you tryed to wip it of but then once you touched you're face it was on your face to. And that wasn't the worst part it was almost time to leave work and Mr.Shinohara had to go to a dinner meating with some others and he said you can go in a cab or find somone with a car to drive you home. Juuzou had to talk to someone about this eye pach kid. You went to the training area to see if you could find Akira thankfully she was thair and she was packing up.

"Oh my goodness what happened?!?!" Akira said worried

"Oh, some one stabed me" yousaid playfully smiling "no it's paint and i wanted to know if you can drop me off at the house"

"Oh yes of course, let's go" she said walking with you walking behind

You both got in the car and she drove off. Once you got thair she offered to walk you up but you said you where a big girl and she left. You got to the room entering the code and went in and yes it had a code this houl time. You got home and looked around to see all your shirts where in the washing machine and wich ment they where wet.

"Ahhg why" you said wining going back to your room

You had nothing els to do so you where waching some YouTube. You where waching people play Yandere chan simulator.

Until you jered the door open and a I'M HOME,(Y/N) YOU HEAR, PLEASE SAY YOUR HEAR CUZ I NEED A KISS"

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