i missed you#6

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Everything went in slow motion......until you realized that it was........Rei

'No it can't be him'

'But what if it was'

Everything wasn't in slow motion and he was standing there talking to the brown haird boy. You had a fealling that you should hug him so you did you ran up to him and huged him. Saying

"I missed you Rei after that day mama was gone and i didn't have eny one eny more........i missed you so much ." You said hugging him

"Oh ya free hugs" he said"come on Takizawa"

"No i don't do hu-"

Rei got him in the hug to. After a wile you guys unhug each other and he looked at you confused cuz you where crying a little.

"Miss why are you crying"he said

"You don't remember me Rei," you said "after that day with the crash i couldent find mama and you so i had no one" you said crying a little more

"(Y/n)?"he started

"Yes yes it is me" he hugged you and you tenced up a little cuz mama will wack you and Rei if you touch each other including high fives.

You stopped crying.

"I go by juuzou now" he said and this is Takizawa but you can call him taki."

"No she can not nether can you my name is Seidou Takizawa not taki" Taki said

"Welp I'm still calling you taki" you said

"Ok, whatever" he said crossing his arm's and pouting like a kid who didn't get the toy he wanted.

You, juuzou and taki talked a little until a man with a circle on his head walked in.

"So your (y/n)" he said " I'm mr.Shinohara you will be staying with me and juuzou for a wille, speeking of Wich it's time to go home"

"Oky doky, what what about"- you said but got interrupted

"It's all at the house in your new room" Mr. Shinohara said

"Oky doky let's go!" You said skipping out of the desk room thingy with Mr. Shinohara walking be behind you.

But for some reason juuzou stayed be hind with Takizawa.

Third person pov
As (y/n) and Mr. Shinohara walked and skipped away juuzou and Takizawa where having a interesting conservation....about YOU.

"You now her?" Takizawa said "and how did you stich her!"

"What no she stitched her self i wouldn't do that to my only chiled hood frend" Juuzou started "and yes of course i now her we where both torched by mama"

"She's never gonna like you, you have way more stitches then compared to her" Mr. Takizawa said geting up "besides, girls fall for the ones who aren't childish." He said walking out

Juuzou's pov
I didn't realize Takizawa would like her of course she's nice, and pretty, and cute and funny and silly and-

Oh god do i like (y/n)

No we are only frends we will never be more than that.....but what if she likes me to or what if she hates my candy filled guts if i told her-

Why am i thiking this a-

"Hey Rei- er Juuzou come on i can't waste another section Mr. Shinohara said we might get to go to thw candy store Come on" (y/n) said with so much excitement bursting out of her.

"Let's go then!!" I say taking her hand by surprise and running.

We both ran down the hall until we saw a man with a stack of paper's in the middle of us wich ment we had depart ways and let go of ower hands. (Y/n) grabbed the top paper then got a pen from her pocket and wrote something and pined it up on Takizawa's desk separator thing. He came out to look at it and all he did was shak his head and squint his eye's at her and she got her pointing finger and her middle fingers and put them on her forehead and moveed them in front like how a soldier doses and keeped running until we saw a elevator that's when i started laughing. Turned out Taki was following us amd running and the elevator was about to close but me and (y/n) squeezed in thew the small gasp wich was closeing each sectioned. The funny thing was Taki didn't make it he bumped into the door. Me and (y/n) couldn't stop laughing our butts of.

Once the elevator stopped we ran to the car whair Mr.Shinohara was wanting. (Y/n) and i sat in the back.
Normal pov

"You kid's look tired" Mr.Shinohara said "well i now how to fix that do you kids have a clue?"

"CANDY!!" You and juuzou shout out loud.

Once you got to the candy store you got a bag and filled it with gaw breakers, kisses, jelly bellys, and all kinds of other candys.

It was a amazing day

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