nothing can go wrong #39

241 14 19

(Befor you read i have to tell you taxis in Tokyo can be eny color.)

"YAAAAAYYYYYY" you yelled with your hands up

You had just asked mr.Shinohara if it was fine to have a sleep over with nora and he said yes. So this explains why you are running down the stairs from the building you now live in with a packpack on your back almost falling you ran outside and saw it was dark. You saw a white car come up o you and saw nora in it

"Come on in" she said smiling

You got in the back with her and put your back pack next to your feet

The car lead up to a good looking sized house

She ran into the house and you ran to her as well. She stopped in the middle of her bug living room and turned on the t.v. looking for anime. You saw she had gotten it ready before you came manga on the table about four cans of soda some not yet made popcorn and some candy.

"Hey what you wanna wach i just started to wach kiss me not her but if you whana wach something else it's fine" nora spoke up

"I have hered of death note but haven't Wached it" you said

"No not death note the binging was weard"

"Oh come on maby it's weard in the beginning but then it's really good just like black butter or Free!" You said

"Fine let's wach it" she said looking it up on YouTube and putting it on the t.v.

After waching a little your eye's went wide

"Um....let's keep waching just a little more maby it will change" you said

You both wached it some more and it did it did get better, but you both got warded out when light made a big deal about eating the potato chip wich made both.of you laugh your butts off, but soon got bored so wached Free but then you both only wached up to the fith episode then decided to wach Hetalia and you both loved it. Italy was so cute and inosent well not THAT inosent but close enough and Germany was so serious, china was funny, Japan was really cool, America had bad taste in food it was a really good anime but You both fell asleep after Waching up to around episode 20 or episode 10 you couldn't remember.

You both woke up on the verge of falling of the couch

Nora checked the time

"Only 10:00" she said

"What should we do we wached enough anime we ate the popcorn"

"You ate all rhe candy" sha said wit one hand on her hip

"Heh ya sorry" you said blushing from imberest

"Well i guess we can go out or something?" She started "we are CCG members we can fight for our selfs"

"Ok let's go" both of you grabbed a sweter and walked out. It was a little dark and thair where only a little people outside walking around. You and nora had your breaf cases but they had a long strap like a purse so you both used that as if it was a one strap side back pack. Both of u ou talked to each other and got to know each other better. You both went to get some coffee real quick and came out. You both hered some crying in the corner. You both went to check. You looked down the corner to see a little girl in the ally way.

She had a riped up dressamd blood all over it.

"Are you ok" nora said walking to her

"My mommy help her!!!" She yelled crying

This reminded you of what happened to you when you where younger and you whanted to help

"Whair is she" you said

She pointed to the door leading toa building

Stay hear with the girl I'm going in

You slowly opened the door. it was dark. You could see much so you used your phone for a flash light. You saw a light swich so you turned it on nothing gust a empty room that was undtill you hered some one chewing. You leaned your head a little to the right see a ghoul eating a woman. You got out your Quinque and got reddy to fight. You stepped to the right so the ghost could clearly see you wich thay did.

"Didn't your mama ever teach you to eat with your mouth closed?" You smiling walkinh closer to them

You swung to them but they goged it but it was part of your plan

"Nice try bu-" you had hit him ya it was a him by unataching it

"Fine whana play that way let's play" he said getting up and showinh his Kagan

"Ooo where playing" uou said giggleing like a sociopath "ok you can be the daddy and I'm your dolly"

You swung at him but missed you presed the boton wich made it untach he tryed to hit you but you jumped when you did that you couldn't resist but to touch his gooey red Kagan. When he did this he gasped and got mad when you where in the air he tryed to hit you with his other Kagan but you sliced it and fell to the floor on your feet. You grabbed out one knife from your shirt and through it at him ayming for hin head but it went in his eye wich was better because he fell to the floor but still tryed to hit you with his Kagan but you doged all of them still touching it when they came to get him mad. You through a dart and his Kagan left and you sliced him twice with each od your quinque in hand and he dropped dead.

You then hured a screem outside so you ran outside to see nora on the floor buy she was breathing.

You could see what was going on

The little girl wasn't there

You then felt a little pain in your shoulder and saw it was a dart. You took it out not felling dizzy even tho that was what it was supposed to do. You where gonna get your phone out and call Juuzou to get the CCG until ou fell to the floor with nora by your side.

            Why me? Why us?

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