new mama #2 (edited)

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Everything stayed that way for about an hour.




that's how you felt.

'What is happening?'

'Who would do this?'

'What will they do to me?'

All these things were swirling around your head. You felt the dread lean over you casting a shadow colder than sitting in the snow with a thin cloth. There was no telling what could happen next. That being said, someone grabbed you by your underarms. You couldn't touch the ground so you could tell they where an adult or at least someone extremely tall. You being 10, everyone seemed as tall as giraffes. Suddenly you could feel the bag be lifted up off your head, the light ran to your face, blinding you for a second or two. Before you could have the chance to say anything, you could feel a cold and hard feeling on part of your face. Being painful, you couldn't help but whimper in pain. You realized that they threw you, into a cage.

'Didn't these people know I'm not a animal, why cage a human? This is insane!'

With a old Creaking noise, they closed the door. Without a word escaping either of there mouths, they left. As quick as lightning, you turned and looked at the door. Getting onto your feet, you tried to shake the door open, but it wouldn't budge. Within minutes, you could feel your fear of eating you alive.

"Mommy, I shouldn't have had listened to you. I should have had stayed with you to help." You said gently with tears streaming down your face.

Your small hand held onto the bars of the rusty cage. Tightening your grip on the ice cold bars, you Slowly and tenderly rested your head on them. Tear after tear, the transparent liquid ran down your face like a sink's faucet.

It seemed endless, but nothing is endless.

Something in the back of your mind whispered to you.

'Be strong.'

You swiped your tears and cooled yourself down. Looking around, next to you was another caged child curled up in a ball in the corner. You were about to say something to him, though first impressions mean everything. Before you could choke out a word the book slammed swiftly open.

"Now where is she?" A lady's voice was herd

Looking to the voice, there was a very round and chubby lady rubbing her hands together as if she had something very valuable in front of her.

"Ahhhhh there you are...I've always wanted a daughter."

The lady that looked like she ate one too many donuts had said with a wicked smile stretching ear to ear. Rubbing her hands together in more excitement, she sent shivers down your spine with that grin of his. It seemed like a bitter smile, but you were too young to know.

"now, tell me your name young one, or else I will pick it."

"..." You had said nothing, talking to people made you quite uncomfortable.

"Now, don't make me think of girl names, it would be terribly to hard just to choose one." name is (y/n) (l/n) miss." you lightly said, you were a little scared of her, she reeked of blood and vanilla.

"I am Big Madam, but you will be calling me mama, or mom if you prefer."

"Y..yes mama." You said

"Good girl, I already like you." She said with another evil smile crawling onto her face.

"I hope you would do well when killing, then you could get as many good girls points as you wanted."

"Killing, good girl points?" you questioned

'I don't wanna harm anyone.'

"Yes killing, about once a week we get to see you kill out in the ring, but it's OK you don't kill us, ghouls, you get to kill a human which is much easier"

"Big Madam!!!" Someone outside the door said

"I'm coming!!" She said leaving the room and closing the door.


it was silent. The eerie room was quiet as ever.

"Wow, I bet you could get ten good boy-er girl points just by being cute! You're so lucky!" The boy said not looking up "I'm Rei."


"(Y/n) (l/n) I know, you just said so earlier."

"Oh." you said "So what's the point of the big girl and boy points?" You asked still trying to proses what was happening.

"It's the time you get to be hurt by mama." He said, "last time I got 60!"

"But why would you what more time? Pain hurts." You said scrunching your eyebrows questionably

"Hu? Never really thought of that, maybe to keep mama happy or maybe because pain is nothing once it's over. I don't know, but you need to get your big girl points and I need mine." Rei said

/A week later\

Mama hasn't hurt you that much as Rei but you did watch her hurt Rei.  When she hurt him, you would cover your ears and close your eye's so you wouldn't hear or see his pain.

"(Y/n) dress into this and Rei dress into that." She said throwing at both of you "it's the ring."

(OK OK OK I' ma call it the ring OK because I don't know what it is actually called)

You turned around and so did Rei so you both didn't have to look at each other change. That would of have been weird if the two of you didn't. After you changed you turned around to see a small mirror on the ground you picked it up and looked at yourself. You wore a blue dress that had a black top and a mask that covers one eye. Rei wore a shirt with some shorts and a mask that covers his eyes but not his mouth.

"What are we doing?" You asked

"You will watch me-

"(Y/N), REI, COME ON!!" Mama said with a man opening the door.

You ran out and immediately ran to mama. You knew if you ran off, you would never make it. Even if you did find an exit, it would be hard to get your life back on track again.

"Wow you didn't make a run for it, I'm surprised." Mama said looking down to you.

"I will not leaving my mama." You said giving her a huge and she hugged back.

Though you still did not know who this woman was, and this was only an act, you felt a sudden warmness inside that hug.

it took you a while to see that, she might be a monster but she doesn't have to act like one. She has some heart in her self.

As you and mama walked you both finally stopped. You looked around to see many other ghouls with masks. Over these past week's mama has taught you a few things, like how to tell if there a ghoul or not, and how to dodge hits.

"OK (y/n), you will go after him OK?" she said

"Who is him?" You said

"You will see." she said smiling.

You looked to see Rei standing there and a man running away from him Rei grabbed the mans hand and pulled him to the floor and twisted the man's head.

You watched everything until something in you clicked. You had this feeling inside of you. This sudden feeling of adrenalin ran through your body. You were not scared nor were you sad but...


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