kissy kiss#21

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In the morning you woke up next to the one and only Juuzou who was still asleep, you smelt like vanilla and swet so you decided to take a shower. You got up and replaced your self with a pillow so Juuzou was huging a pillow right this moment, you got your towel, underwear, bra, shirt, and more. You took one last glance at Juuzou before leaving and walking to the bathroom. You got to the bathroom to see boy conditioner and sope and deodorant. This can't be Mr.Shinohara was expecting you so. You thoght as you looked under the sink to see a bodl of conditioner and a bar of sope. You turned on the shower to (warm/ cold/hot) just the way you like it.

You quickly stripped your self avoiding the mirror because you don't like to see your self most of the time. You got in the shower and put the sope in your hair then after that you put on the rose smeling conditioner. After scrubibg your body and hair you got out of the shower still avoiding the mirror. You put on your bra, underwear, shirt, suspeders hanging down then shorts cuz it was a little hot and you didn't feel like wairing laggings. You got out of the shower drying your hair. You looked around to see nothing and hear nothing. Mr.Shinohara was no wair is sight except for a white paper with blue lines on the fridge. You went up to it and read it wich had said.

I am already at work Juuzou and you don't have work on the weeekends but i do see you guys around 8:00ish
Feel free to eat the hot pokets or something else for dinner. Hear are 30 dollers for food and or emergencys.
Dont have to much without me😉

You blushed a little but then snapped out of it. You saw the money was taped to the fridge and as he said thair where exactly 30 dollers  for food and or emergencys. Speeking of emergencys you then hered someone yell from your room saying.


You could hear Juuzou say from the room. You walked to your room and put your ear on the door to hear 'oh my goodness i don't know what to do' and 'wairs the phone'
You couldn't help but to giggle a little. That is when the door opened and thair stood Juuzou with a smile on his face.

"I'm so happy you're not a pillow" he said huging you almost squeezing the kidneys out of you.

"J-Juuzou c-can't b-b-breath" you said playfully "bleaaaaaaaa" you said with your tongue out pretending to be dead

"Oh no (y/n)s dead" Juuzou said playing around "call the ambulance or maby the cop's or maby- or maby me~" Juuzou said first playing then he had an idea that's when his smile was all sexy like

'What's going on in that mind of his' you thoght 'what is he planing?' You thoght more and more

Juuzou's pov
"Yes this is my chance it's perfect!"

Normal pov
You still where in his arms until he dropped you on the couch. You where about to say 'hey that hurt' but you couldn't because you felt somthing soft and worm on your lips. It was Juuzou's lips on yours. He was about to make it into a make put season until he stoped and said

"Remember whaen you had to kiss me"

"Um...ya so" you said confused

"Thair it was, i kissed you so-"he was cut of by (y/n) kissing him passionately

The thing was it was only a short kiss because the door opened. You both stoped and looked to see it was Mr.Shinohara.

"Sorry i left some important paper work an- ooohhhh i see" he said

"Um..ya of course you see your not blind are you?" You said denying it

"Oh i see no kiss and tell ok it will be a secret" he said walking out of the house"bye have fun"

You and Juuzou looked at each other and blushed. You both looked away and ran to your own room's because it was to IMBERISING to even look at each other. Then after spending about 30minutes on each others room's you both got out and ate some food with only some small talk until you decided to say somthing.

"You wanna sleep with me again?" You said looking down at your food blushing "you don't have to if it's to imberising"

"No no of course i will sleep with you as long as you don't turn into a pillow again" Juuzou said happily

Soon you and Juuzou fell asleep waching (tv carton show that is for teen's and kids like 'Teen Titans GO!') And Shinohara didn't come home till 9:00 to see you two asleep so he turned of the tv and put a blanket on top of you two because it was cold, and this time he didn't take a picture....ok i lied he did and posted it again but this time with 900 likes in under a minute and know he had 300 followers. He grinned at his phone and turned it off and fell asleep in his king bed wile Juuzou and (Y/n) where sleeping in a quen bed huging each other as thay sleept.

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now