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The video is called flesh and don't wach uless you have wached all of Tokyo ghoul because it has a huge spoiler.

Normal pov
You woke up in the morning around three am and it was hot you had already tryied everything drinking whater and sleep without a shirt but it didn't work so you put the shirt back on and sat on your bed coloring inside a adault coloring book. Mr.Shinohara didn't wake up because he's the room across from a yours and Juuzou. Your room is next to Juuzou's tho so you tryed your best to be quite. As you where coloring in a wolf with blue, purple,and green, gel pens some one lighty knocked on your door. You walked up to the door and opened it to see the one and only Juuzou.

"I can't sleep" Juuzou said

"Me to" you said gestureing to come in side.

He walked in and saw the drowning books and picked one out since you have about....a lot. Turned out Juuzou picked a animal one and started to color in a giraffe. You got bored and looked through your books to see a few comic novel  books And decided to read one.it was called Ghost . You sat on your bed and read it and sooner or later you where sitting next on your stomach reading it. You had to admit it was a really good book. but Bailey on page 12 you had felen asleep. Juuzou looked up to see a sleeping (y/n). Juuzou didn't know what to do.

Juuzou's  Pov
I don't know what to do, do i leave her and go to my room, or should i stay with her. I had tooken a clear look at (y/n) she was so pretty, i have decided to stay but only for a while. Well that is until that wile turned into minutes qich turned into hours. After i had taken the book of (y/n)'s face i put it next to the bed and then something gripped me and pulled me in a huge. It was (y/n) but she was still sleeping. I didn't know what to do at a sichuashon like this..oh whate do what mr. Shinohara had said
'If you ever get lost stay where you are' Thank you mr.Shinohara always filled with wisdom. I shal stay hear until (y/n) has awakened or at least let go of me. After a awkward 30 minutes for me i had eventually fell asleep without knowing.

I had woken up at 4:30 to see (y/n) still sleeping but she had let go this in my chance to be free, But pert of me don't whant to be free and what's to stay wirh (y/n) so make shore she doesn't fall of the bed like how i do. Na...she will be fine...hopefully. i had puten extra pillows around the bed if she did fall. I was done and then i looked at my art work. I looked at (y/n) she looked so cute and pretty at the way she was sleeping and how the light hits her- what am i thinking about i don't have feelings for (y/n) no she is just my only chiled hood frend which had came back to see me again then started to live with us and she is perfect, and probably the only one in the world who has gone thru what i have. Oh my goodness i have feelings for (y/n), but i haven't ever fellen in love before expect for that pile of mouth watering waffles a water named toby gave me. I don't know if i should tell someone or not......i think ima tell Mr. Shinohara, you can always trust Mr.Shinohara oh never mind, you can always trust Mr.Shinohara in the day time i thoght going to bed. I tried going to bed but it didn't work, so instead i looked at the sealing and thaght the first time i had ever meet her. I remember the first time i made her laugh, and the first time mama had hurt her. I remember how (y/n) didn't like to see or hear me get hurt cuz it hurt her to but in her heart. I also remember the day i had gotten free i know mama was long gone, so i tryed to look for (y/n) but never worked, after a few years i had learned to let things go so i did to her, i shudent of had tho, the truth is keep going, i should of had told some one to help look for her. I am a horrible person....well besides all the killing but still. Hopefully (y/n) doesn't think little of me.

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