he gets TO excited*wink*wink*#24

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This video is Erold world later you are waching him on YouTube. P.s i can't swim eather

You heard Juuzou from the living room so you got up not even closeing your laptop but you emedeatly went back to get the bloody looking heart for Juuzou and you where at the door but it was already opened by Juuzou. You quickly picked up the heart to your chest and smiled as if this was your plan all along. He looked at you up and down then saw you were waching Yandere chan simulator on the laptop and blushed like a strawberry. You gave him a cute smile hoping you looked cute, but in Juuzou's mined he thought that if cute and hot had a babby it was you. He felt so hard and didn't know what to do and when he thought that it couldn't get eny wors (y/n) huged Juuzou squeezeing him in the warm embrace. Juuzou didn't whant this to happen and he didn't know how to stop it.

"U...i..hu (y/n)" he said blushing and still huging her

"Yess senpai~"

"F...fuck" he wispered under his breath but you didn't hear "i um have to do some.....stuff in m.my room BYE"

He said as he ran off to his room. (Y/n) didn't think much about it she just thought he had a lot to do considering no one can get a good picture of this eye pach man dude bro. You went to waching people play Yandere chan simulator untill you realized that instead of waching it you can play it your self. You download it while you wated for it to lode you listened to music on your phone. Finally it loded and you started to play still in your red painted clothes. You will often yell something ridiculous like "YA i killed you" or perhaps "kokona you can't run from me" and very often "i love you senpai~" and you had purposely made your senpai look like Juuzou. as for Juuzou he was fixing his problem, wich had never happened before, so he didn't know how to fix it.

"S.stay down" he said to...........ya you probably know

He tryed to grip it and push it down but he would moan and it would only go down a little. After a few more trys wich didn't work he finally knew what to do but he never thoght that it would come to  this. Well all boys do it so it was his time........um.

"Ok i can do t.this b..but what about (y/n)" he said untill he heard somone yell

"I love you senpai, kokona i call dibs!!" She yelled

'Well i guess it's safe to go ahead' he thought while started

He gripped himself and let out a loud moan wich he hopped (y/n) didn't hear when he heard a 'senpai's mine, no one can have him' he knew it was fine to go on. Wile Juuzou was in a room of sins and moans and growns (y/n) was getting bored. After she killed every one and used about all the wepons she got bored...and a little upset she couldent use the rose to kill people only for love. She wanted to do one more thing before she stoped playing that was to kill everyone but as ebola chan and she did it was fun but then she got bored she took of her ear buds and she heard little muffuls so she went out to investigate what it was. She came out of her room and realized the noise came from Juuzou's room. You had pressed your ear on the door and heard moans and growns. You didn't know what was going on, but you did remember somthing poking you in your iner thigh but you thought it was Juuzou. 'Did you really turn him on?' You thoght and went back to bed

'Well it's not like thair is I one boy who doesn't' you thoght and went back on YouTube but this time waching (Erold world/ domix) and most of the time you couldn't stop laughing. Later on all the moaning stoped and by then you fell asleep with the computer on next to you and your ear buds tangled around you but what you didn't know was that night Juuzou slept with you but before geting in the bed he wached you sleep then he finally raped his arm around your wast and feel asleep with you.

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