another day#5

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You sat in your house on your couch reading a man a book.

"Aaaaaaaaaand done" you said graping the blue thread and nedel and started to get redy to sowe your self.

Untill there was a knock at the door. You put down your stuff and whent to the door. You opened it to see some cop looking people.

"Whow i didn't now sowing your self was a crime." You said titling your head and smiling like a crazy person.

"I am a CCG investigator and we've seen that you are strong and can tell your looking for a job." the man said "so we are asking you if you'd like to join the CCG."

"Ok after I'm done and changed wich will probably be in 10 minutes" you said then slammed the door.

10 minutes later

You where dressed in a white button up shirt with blue suspenders haing down your black lagging and (pick a color) flats And you had finished sowing your cut and ready to go.

You looked at the time it took you minutes  9 to get ready

Your time change to 10 and you opened the door to see the same man and he looked like he was gonna knock but failed cuz you opened it.

"Let's go" he said walking to a black car.

You got in and started to drive

"I'm investigater Amon" he said

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)" you said "so why did you pick me?"

"Well didn't pick you mr-


"Sorry gotta take this" he said touching the black thing in his ear.

"Yes i have her" he started "uha ya" "she kinda looks like juuzou" "ya" "no no ya" he keeps saying over and over and you didn't really care.

Once the car stoped he hung up.

"Who was that?" You said getting out with him and tilting your head

"Oh that was mr. Yukinori shinohara you will meet him when we go into that building" he said

"Oky doky" you said walking next to him

You both walked in and went into a glass-ish elevator looking thing. You looked out to see how high you where going. It was super high of the ground.

"Wow" you say in a surprised tone

"Beautiful isn't it" he said

"Yes very beautiful inded" you said


"Wear hear" he said

"Wow this is huge, there are so meny people, and so meny desks and rooms and people and more Windows and more people and- ah i think ima throw up".

"Well hold it in miss (y/n), cuz you don't wanna smell like puke on your first day"

You look at him and laugh a little and he laugd to

"No way, are you smiling mr.Amon?!?!" A blond ish white ish haird lady said

"Well ya she's like a kid and she reminds me of juuzou and let's be clear we both think he's funny"

"Well ya- what is this (y/n)" the lady said

"Yes my name's (y/n) don't wear it out" you said lifting then putting your hands behind your back

"I'm investigator Akira Mado" she said pulling out her hand

"Nice to meat cha" you said talking her hand until she pulled you closer

"Wow you do look like a girl version of juuzou" she said

"Who is juuzou" you said confused

"oh you will meet him later but right now i think you should get to meet new people and maby get a snack from the bending machine." She said do politely

"Did you say people?" You said

"Um yes you have a problem"?

"No it's just." You started "that i live by myself and i don't have a lot of company"

"You'll be all right you are registered to live with mr.shinohara and juuzou for now". She said "ok i need to go but look around and try to find a desk that says your name" she.said leaving

You walked and looked at all kinds of desks and desk seperater thing's until you saw one that said your name on it. You sat on the seet and spun around and around until you got dizzy. Then you saw a laptop.

"Cool free junk" you say wispering a little.

You printed a few pictures of (favorite video game or fandom) and put them on your desk separator thing.

"Juuzou that's my donut "

"No you got the chocolate one and i got the strawberry one"


You could hear two boys fight behind you. You looked over to see a brown haired boy yelling at a white haired boy. The brown haird one was yelling with his eye closed and the white haired boy is currently slowly snekaly putting the donut in his mouth with his eye's cosed as well. Since you where hungry and the white haired boy was so close you took the donut from his hands causeing him to open his eye's. But he didn't ceach you.

"Takizawa did you take the donut"

"Wha no"

"Then who did?"

You couldent containe your self you had to giggle.

"Juuzou did you giggle?"

"Ok first i always giggle but this time i swear i didn't"


You could couldn't hear the last part cuz they where whispering to each other.

"AHAA YOU THU- WHAT who are you" the boy with brown hair said

"Hey juuzou do you have a sister"

"Wa-no, what I'm coming"

As the boy walked in to the desk separator room everything went in slow motion. He looked so familiar but............whate it's Rei

The end for that one bye have a wonderful day

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