bloody rose#16

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Normal pov
You had went to your desk and sat down not know that a Juuzou was looking for you.

Juuzou's pov
I need to find her.and fast or he will gwt ger first and he doesn't deserve her.

<!$Flash back$!>
I had let go of (y/n) and ran threw the halls, i think i have a idea on how to make (y/n) mine. All i have to do is go to the rose bush and pick the most beautiful rose and cut it .....knife.....wich is in my shirt wich I'm not waiting. I gave it to Takizawa so no one will take it i need to make a quick stop.
I ran to his desk and grabed my shirt but only to hear Takizawas voice say something that had shocked me.

"Even tho she hurt my feelings i still love her, i will make her mine so don't even try she will pick me not you, your a....kid and we are the adults" he said in a stingy way "shes mine so-

That was all i hered because i had ran of to get thet rase for (y/n) i cant let him get to her first.

End of flash back

NO I cant let him get to jer first if he dose, i don't know what i will do without (y/n) again....i can't leave her and she can't leave me!!! i thought running to her desk

Normal pov
You sat down to see a pink note that had a heart on it you opened it and read it it had said

Pick me
I will treat you well
I know you beter then him
Your favorite color is pink and you don't like candy your the opiset of Juuzou

It had said more but you didn't whant to read eny more because this person dosent know that your favorite color is blue and you love candy this note made you sick that this persone don't know you at all and yet still liked you and wanted to pick them instead of Juuzou. Then you saw Juuzou out of breath with blood on his hands and a rose.

"(Y(y/n) i..i love you" he said trying to catch his breath but he was having some trouble

"I..i don't know what to say" you said "did you make this for me?" You said holding up the pink paper

"No you hate pink" Juuzou said really confused on what was going on at this moment

"Then who di-

"I did" taki said out of no wair "you love it don't you and it's better then a bloody rose" he said being cocky with his word's and acting like a smart ass

"I don't like it" you said " pink isn't my favorite coler it's blue and i LOVE candy I'm sorry but i'm not the one for you, you can fined another girl that likes you and has the same intrests but it's not me, sorry but Juuzou know me better and i ...have feelings for him...." you said Taki was fine and he said

"Ok thair are planty of fish in the sea right" with a shrug

And walked off leaving you and Juuzou to be alone

"You like me" Juuzou told you

"No....i LOVE YOU" you said huging him wile he coresed your head, and kissing your forehead gently saying
'I love you"

"Whate whate are we gonna tell Mr.Shinohara?" You said un huging him

"Well I'm not 100% shor but i thought we should tell him the truth" Juuzou said smiling.

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