together #42

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Both of you went into the taxi and took it to the CCG. Once the taxi stopped you gave him the $50 and walked away with Haru and Timothy.

You put up three fingers

"What are you doing?" He said looking at you

Wate for it

You put one down then the other then-


"Time to run" yousaid giggleing and making a run for it with Haru and Timothy.


"I'M NOT HANDINH ENYTHING TO YOU, BUT YOU SHOULD GIVE ME A HAND FOR FOOLING YA!!!!" You yelled giggleing and running into the CCG

You stopped and looked at Haru

"Alright" you started "try not to show your ghouly ways ok"

"But how-?"

"Ok!!" You said giving him a Sirius look and first hiting your polm of your hand

"Ok" he said

You went into the elevator.

"Ok they have no camera's in the elevator" you said "how are you a ghoul and not your brother"

"Mommy was a human and daddy was a half ghoul so i guss one of us had to ether be a ghoul or a human" he said looking away at down at the view

It was silent fora second but only a second

"How meny people do you kill each day" you said not making eye contact

"None" he said

"But you are a ghoul" you said confused

"Yes but I'm not glad to be" he said looking away from you and walking a step back looking at the vew and placing a hand on the glass walls.

"Then how do you eat?" You said

"I eat the already dead one's or when thair is a half aten body eat it i would never kill something living for my hunger" he said


The elevator has stopped and you walked out. You kept walking and walking but then remembered you couldn't remember what desk he has or even if he had one, you couldn't tell Haru it would brake him. So you decided to act as if you where kyo.

'If i where kyo wair would i go' you thight 'TRAINING!!!'

You grabbed Haru's arm and ran down the hall to the training room. Bursting the doors open it was empty well except for one person siting on the bench.

It was kyo

Kyo looked up and saw both of you

"Who is that?" Kyo said

You just stopped for a moment

"This is your brother.....Haru" you said smiling

His eye's widen

"Hello, big brother" Haru said with tears in his eye's "i have been looking for you"

Kyo got up and ran to Haru

And gave him a hug

Then looked back at him

"Is it Really you!?!?" Kyo said examining Harus face wile crying

"Yes it is me" haru said crying

"Don't ever leave me again!!" Kyo said smacking his brothers head then huging him tightly

"Love you to" haru said

"Do you have something to say, Haru???" Yousaid interrupting

"What, What's going on is thair a problem?!?"

Haru then stoped for a moment

"I....I" he started

"Never mined it's not important" you said

"No tellme what is it?"kyo said getting a little mad

"He um..." you sais "accidentaly took my Quinque but know he gave it back but it's all right now" you said lieing but telling the truth

"Oh ok then i guss it wasn't that important" kyo smiled come on little bro you can move in with me"

You grabbed Haru's arm again and ran to the elevator.

"Then let's go" you said running

You and Haru got in the elevator first without kyo.

"Alright"you said " you eatmy friend your dead you eat my family your dead you tell him your dead"

"then how am i supposed to eat if i'm living with him?"

You both thoght for a wile but not that long

"Ok i got it" you said "you tell hum you got a job at night and that you get payed a lot and you like your job but instead you go eat"

"Ya but what if he askes about the money, or what if i need to ask you something?" He asked

"Oh you can work at Antaku i hered that they are looking for some one to hire and me and my boyfriend go thair and when you need to ask me something i will be thair" you said

"Ok your good at this" he said smiling

"Ya i work hear, and be careful with other envestigators alright" you said

"Alright" he said the elevator stopped and he walked out. Kyo was wating thair and that both walked away.

You went back to the CCG and walked all the way to you desk only to see a sticky note wich read.

Had to leave with Juuzou will be back soon stay safe
Love Shinohara

Then scribbled on the bottom said

And Juuzou

Wich made you giggle

"See you soon to Juuzou"

I Think I Saw You In My Sleep(juuzou × reader)Where stories live. Discover now