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Jinyoung and I have been best friends forever. As of recent, he's been hanging out with this girl more than me. Jimin is really pretty and if he likes her I would understand. It breaks my heart because I've been in love with him since grade 5.

I'm going to finally do it, I'm going to tell Jinyoung how I feel before it's too late. I rush over to the dorms to see an unfamiliar car. I shrug it off like it's nothing and continue on my mission anyway. I know on the door and wait patiently. BamBam opens the door and smiles. "Hey Y/n, what brings you by?" I return a smile and give him a hug. "Hi BamBam, I'm looking for Jinyoung, is he here?" His face drops a little but goes back to its cherry disposition. "Oh ...yeah he's here. Come in, I'll go tell him you're here." I come in and take off my shoes. "Oh no need, I'll go myself. I won't be long anyways. I just have to tell him something and I'll be out of your hair." I go off to his room and stop at the closed door. I hear giggling and then what appears to be lip smacking. I try not to assume anything so I open the door. My face drops and my heart shatters at the sight. I see Jimin and Jinyoung kissing on his bed. I want to scream but I can't move. When I snap out of it I just run back to the front door. "Y/n are you okay? Did you talk to Jinyoung?" I quickly shake my head no and hurry to put on my shoes. "I-I got-t to g-go. See y-you later BamBam." I quickly wave and leave before I start crying.

BamBam's POV

I wonder what got into Y/n. I know she like Jinyoung but what caused her to run out so fast? Jinyoung comes out of the room with messy hair and clothes and Jimin by his side. "Hey did I her Y/n in here just a second ago?" I nod. "Yeah she came by but rushed out of here after she said she was going to talk to you." He looks confused and then shocked. "Wait she came by the room?" I nod again. "Oh no, she must have seen Jimin and I kissing. She's probably upset that I didn't tell her that Jimin and I are dating. I've got to call her." I shrug and sigh. "If that's what you think is best." I excuse myself. I hope Y/n is alright.


I go and cry in my room as soon as I get home. I knew he would never love a girl like me. I have wild curly hair and thick thighs. I'm nothing compared to Jimin, she's everything he wants and I'm just the ugly best friend. I feel my phone vibrate but I don't check it guessing who it is. I feel so embarrassed I don't want to talk to him.

This process goes on and for hours, then days, then a few weeks. I've cut off all contact with Jinyoung and I feel bad. He doesn't even know why I don't want to be friends with him anymore. I still talk to the others and they tell me that he misses me around. I miss him too but I just can't get over my feelings for him.

BamBam invited me to a gathering they're having for their album release. I don't want to go but he's making me go. I dress up nice for the occasion to make myself feel better. I lowkey want Jinyoung to notice me and what he's missing out on.

I walk in the room to be greeted by Mark and Jackson

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I walk in the room to be greeted by Mark and Jackson. "Oh hey Y/n, where have you been?" Jackson crosses his arms. "Leave her alone, she doesn't have to answer that. Anyway Y/n you look really pretty tonight." I smile and thank Mark. "I've really just been at home to answer your question Jackson. You both look nice tonight by the way." They smile and I smile back. "Aw Y/n you're making me blush. I've missed your compliments, at least you appreciate my good looks." Jackson wraps his arm around my shoulders. "You're right, I do appreciate you. That's what best friends are for." We both laugh and Mark shakes his head. "Y/n likes me more, right Y/n?" I shrug. "I would if you talked more to me. Mark sometimes I don't know if you even like me." Jackson starts laughing and Mark pouts. "No fair, I appreciate you more than Jackson."

I hang with Mark and Jackson for awhile until I see BamBam. "Guys I'll be back later, I'm going to go talk to BamBam." I go over to him and hug him from behind. "Ah, who is this?!" He turns around and I laugh. "Your best friend Y/n." He laughs and hugs me back. "Y/n, I've missed you! I'm glad you're here!" We giggle together like school girls until we're interrupted.

"Y/n?" I turn around to see Jinyoung with a surprised yet pleased facial expression on his face. I smile and wave but he frowns and pulls me into a hug. "Why haven't you been answering my calls or texts? I've been worried about you, where have you been." I sigh and look at BamBam. "I'm sorry Jinyoungie I really am but I had re-evaluate my life and us as friends. The truth is I really like you. I didn't want to get in the way of you and Jimin so I distanced myself. I hope you understand...." He doesn't say anything but pulls me into another hug. "Please don't do that again, it breaks my heart to know it was me who made you feel anything but happiness and loved." I feel his lips on my earlobe. I start to get nervous and gulp. "Plus Jimin never made me this pleased in a dress. Did you do this on purpose?" He whispers in my ear so only I can hear.

BamBam smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I smile weakly due to the fact that I know Jinyoung has a girlfriend and he's all over me instead her. "Jinyoung, where's your girlfriend? You should go to her." I try to push him off but he remains in the same position. "Jinyoung eh—" "I'm not going anywhere because my girl is right here and I'm not letting her go." I'm both flustered and confused at the same time.

"What about Ji—" He cuts me off with his lips suddenly attached to mine. I hear clapping and cheering going on around us. "She wasn't what I wanted, I just want you. You're mine and I'm yours. Nothing else to be said." I smile at his words. "Uh I hate to be bearer of bad news but, Y/n is mine. Sorry but not sorry." Mark smirks as he takes me away from Jinyoung. "Ah, she's mine! Don't touch my girlfriend!" Mark picks me up and runs away. "Never ever!" I laugh at how dumb these two are. Jinyoung chases after us and takes me from Mark. He makes his point by kissing me in front of everyone. "Okay we get it, she's yours. No more kissing please!" BamBam starts laughing as he steps in between us.

Tonight I thought that I would've had to let Jinyoung go but life wanted to take another turn. I'm glad that it did.

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