DPR Live

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DPR we gang gang🎶...anyways surprise!

"I never said I don't like you...but I never said I do either."


I walk into work early today because I'm feeling energized. I just wrote a new song and I want to get in the studio as quickly as possible. I go to push the up button for the elevator when another hand beats me to it. I look and find it's owner smiling at me.

"Oh Dabin Sunbae, how are you?" He chuckles softly, his eyes never leaving mine. "I would be better if you called me oppa." A small laugh leaves my lips because he says this every time I see him. "Well oppa I hope you have a wonderful day in the studio." The elevator opens and we both step inside.

"I can't help but feel you're being sarcastic."

"Well I plead the 5th

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"Well I plead the 5th." The elevator dings signaling it's my time to get off. "Later oppa."

I look up from my song book with writers block. I'm supposed to write a song about love but I haven't had a boyfriend since junior year in high school.

I hear a knock on the studio door so I tell whoever it is to come in

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I hear a knock on the studio door so I tell whoever it is to come in. Dabin waltzes in with a smirk on his face. "Having a hard time princess? Have no fear, your savior is here." I scoff. "Oh really? What are you saving me from, boredom?" He clutches his heart like he's wounded. "That hurt a little...writing a song I see. Is it about me perhaps?"

He snatches my song book to see the page is empty. "I haven't been able to write all morning and I'm supposed to have lyrics by tomorrow afternoon." I groan and run a hand through my straightened hair. He places my legs on his laps as he replaces their spot on the couch.

"What's the song supposed to be about?" I sigh throwing my head back. "Love..." There was an awkward silence until he decides to break it. "Don't you have a boyfriend or something?" I shake my head. He looks taken aback and scoffs a bit. "Wait so you mean to tell me that you don't even have interest in someone?"

I think about it and my thoughts land on Christian, his director. He's flirted a couple times and well...

"Well of course I'm interested in someone

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"Well of course I'm interested in someone...I just don't know if it'll work out." He raises an eyebrow. "Why? Let's ask simple questions. Are they older than you? Do I know them? How long have you known them?"

"He's older, you do know him very well, and I've known them for about a year now." He nods his head. Before he could say anything the devil himself pops his head in the door. "Hey mate, I hope you don't mind but I asked your manager where you were." Dabin shrugs signaling for him to come in.

"Oh hey Y/n, how are you?" He pulls me to my feet and gives me a hug. I feel my cheeks burn and my heart race. "I'm g-good um just writing a song is all." He smiles and sits me on his lap as he takes my place on the couch. "That's cool. If you're not busy later I've got an extra ticket to see Loco and Gray."

"Loco and I are like best friends, I was going anyway but you can be my plus one if you'd like." He chuckles lightly and taps Dabin's arm. "She's a riot isn't she? Alright I'll take you up on your offer. I'll pick you up around 8 okay?" He lifts me off his lap and places me back into my previous position on the couch before dapping up Dabin and leaving the room.

Dabin looks at me suspiciously. "You like Christian don't you?" I shrug. "He's a friend..." He nods moving closer to me. "Do you like me?" He stops moving closer until his face is inches away from mine. "I...we're friends." He purses his lips. "Well what if I said I like you more than a friend should? Would that change your answer?"

Before I can answer he swiftly crashes his lips on mine taking me aback. "Uh wow um hmmm...I don't know what to think about that." He smirks. You will in due time, have a nice time tonight. See you later princess."

I wish he never did that because now I'm more confused than I was before. Should I just choose Christian? He doesn't have to worry about the fame aspect necessarily. He's who I thought I wanted. Ugh Dabin not knowing just gave me inspiration for a song.

 Ugh Dabin not knowing just gave me inspiration for a song

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Omg sorry lovelies! I've had serious writers block for the past few weeks and I don't know what to do with my life. Anyways have no fear, the inspiration of DPR has saved us all here. I know I'm lame but there will be a part 2 shortly.

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