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A/n: okay so I have two drafts going atm and this is a filler. I realized I never gave him a real full imagine so here we are. Like, comment, vote!


"Ewww come on Y/n/n are you serious?? Why do you like him??" Hyunjin is mortified that I like his older brother Jaebeom. "Well he's always been really nice to me, eventually I just started catching feelings." "Can't you drop them? This is so weird...I guess I can help you. You did get me with your friend Kaira so why not?" I hug him and he hugs me back. "Thank you Jinnie! You're the best!" He sighs. "Yeah I know."


I wake up in the middle of the night because I can't sleep. I look to see Hyunjin is still fast asleep on the floor so I tiptoe around him so I can go downstairs to get something to drink. I make my way into the kitchen and I look in the fridge for something to drink. I find some juice and I put it in the island. I try to reach for a cup when suddenly I feel a hand on my hips and someone reaching over me grabbing the cup for me. "Here you go cutie."

"Jaebeom?! What are you doing here?" I whisper shout holding my chest

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"Jaebeom?! What are you doing here?" I whisper shout holding my chest. He chuckles softly and hands me the cup. "I was too tired to drive to my place so I decided to crash here. I see you still have sleepovers with my little brother still, that's cute." I shrug. "Occasionally, you know he's my best friend. Kaira is around more often so I let them have their privacy." He nods leaning on the counter. "So you don't like him? I thought you did."

"No...I've always liked someone else." He raises his eyebrows in surprise. "진짜? Who? Do I know them?" I pour myself some juice and I take a sip. "Very well actually." I take a seat at the table in hopes of putting some distance between us. "Jinyoung?? Or maybe Mark?? They're popular but still single, I can set up a date if you want." He takes a seat at the table with me. "No not them... I like—" "Jackson?? Well I can't say I don't see why. I do warn you, he's very career focused." I sigh and shake my head. "No I just like you."

"...ohhhh well that makes sense. I do know myself really well." I just sip my juice while we sit in silence for awhile. "How long?" I raise an eyebrow. "How long have I liked you? Over a few years now..." He hums quietly, I don't take any offense to his responses because I know he's just taking it in. "So...you're in love with me." I almost choke on my drink. "Pardon?? In love with you?" He nods his head. "Well if it was just a crush it would've only lasted 3 months because you'd decide if it was worth it to still have feelings for me. It's past infatuation because it's been over a year, so I've concluded you're in love with me. It's okay because I've concluded I'm in love with you too."

"You are? Well then...what do we do about this information.?" He smiles softly and places his hand on mine. "There's only one thing to do, start dating. Are you free tonight?" I smile and nod. "Yeah I'm free. What do you have in mind?"


"So you two are dating now...I wish you the best. He's a piece of work and honestly only someone like you can put up with him. All the other girls leave." I raise an eyebrow. "Why is that?" Hyunjin shrugs catching popcorn in his mouth. "Uh because he's been so in love with you he can't really focus on anyone else. Getting over you was apparently impossible." "You knew he liked me?? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well I thought it was obvious but I guess not. Anyways you two are together now so it worked out. How was the date?" I take some popcorn. "Really nice, karaoke was fun. Singing must only have been passed to him..."

"Really? Okay well I'm going to pretend you didn't just come for my karaoke skills

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"Really? Okay well I'm going to pretend you didn't just come for my karaoke skills."

"Hey Kaira do you think Hyunjin can sing?"

"Nah he sounds like a wet seal, I'm sorry baby."

"...the nerve of both of you! I sound beautiful!"

A/n: Heyyy did this suck?? Not sure but the drafts will be out soon I promise

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now