Suga vs Giriboy

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"You what?!"
"I'm working with Siyoung oppa."


"Hey baby what are you up to?" I plop myself down next to him in his studio. He doesn't answer and just continues to work on his track. I purse my lips and take out my phone. "Well I'm going to go hang with some friends, have fun ignoring me." He finally turns to me annoyed.

"You came in here bothering me, no one told you to come up here in the first place. Go have fun with your friends.....which friends?" I roll my eyes and get up. "Don't worry about it, I didn't know checking up on you was bothering you. I'm leaving." His face falls but I leave out the door. "Y/n!"

I put my shoes back on and walk down to the elevator. "Y/n come back I'm sorry!" The elevator arrives and I step inside. "You should be!" It closes before he can get to the doors.

"He's just been ignoring me lately Siyoung oppa, I think he's trying to tell me something." We're currently on his private airplane because he has to go out of town soon. "He clearly doesn't appreciate what he has." I sigh not knowing how to feel. "You know what you need a vacation, why don't you come with me?"

"Oh I don't want to be a bo—" He puts a finger to my lips. "Unlike him you don't bother me. I'll take care of everything if you just say the word." I smile and nod. "Okay, I'll go with you." He smiles back. "Great well buckle up babygirl because you're in for one hell of a ride."


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"You're a jerk you know that right?" Namjoon is badgering me about my little fight with Y/n. "Who tells their girlfriend to go run off with her friends if the majority of them are guys anyway?" I shrug. "She's probably with Jimin right n—" Jimin walks into the dorm laughing with Taehyung. "Oh hey hyung!"

My blood runs cold and my mouth goes dry. That means she's with one of her other friends...and this isn't good. "Hey...have you heard from Y/n by any chance?" He nods hesitantly. "She's uh going out of town for a little bit..." I frown at his words. "By herself?" He sighs. "I'm not allowed to say, I'm more scared of her than I am of you." With that he runs away.

I decide to call her but it goes straight to voicemail. I then check her Snapchat story to see if she posted anything recently and what I see causes my blood to boil.

 I then check her Snapchat story to see if she posted anything recently and what I see causes my blood to boil

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Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now