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A/n : I don't think I have an imagine for him yet...oh well. I think I'll make this one interesting.


"5,6,7,8!" My dance instructor leads our practice and the rest of us follow her every move closely. This is my first dance class and I have to admit I'm not that great so I'm in the beginner class. "Alright guys that was a good effort, see you next week!" I gulp down my water and pat down my face. Dancing is such a sweaty experience. "Y/n come on if we hurry we'll get to get a glimpse of your favorite instructor teaching his class!" My best friend pulls me out the dance studio and down the hall to peak in the master class's dance studio. The instructor Mr. Xu is really talented and dedicated to his craft...not to mention extremely good looking.

"Ooooooo look at him, he's literally glowing!" My friend rolls her eyes. "Yeah sweat does that to you." His class seems to be over because his students are all grabbing their belongings and heading towards us at the door. We move out the way as they all exit until Mr. Xu is the only one left. He grabs a towel and sips from his engraved water bottle. He looks in the mirror and I see him lock eyes on me. "Did you need something? You're not one of my students." My friend pushes me into the studio and whispers good luck.

"Who's class are you in? Are you lost?" I shake my head

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"Who's class are you in? Are you lost?" I shake my head. "I'm in the beginners class, I was just admiring your class. Hopefully one day I'll make it to your class." He chuckles and smirks down at me. "Show me what you got, we'll see from there." My eyes go slightly bigger. "R-right now?" He nods. "Yes right now. I'll play some music." He picks up his phone and shuffles through his music until he play 'Like A Fool' by Nive and Sam Kim. I just let the melody guide me as I try not to embarrass myself in front of him.

After I finish I hear slow clapping. "Are you sure you're in the beginners class? You should switch to my class, I'd love to mentor you. What's your name?" I smile awkwardly. "Y/n Y/l/n Mr. Xu." He scoffs. "Mr. Xu is my father, call me Minghao."


And that's how our relationship began. Although he's only 3 years older he seemed like he was so much more mature than I was. Now we're best friends and teach the master class together. The problem is I'm still in love with him...even more than I was a year ago."Y/n are you free tonight?" We just finished our dance practice for the the evening. "Oh uh I'm f—" "Y/n! Hey are you ready for our date tonight?" Hoshi a fellow instructor and friend pops in interrupting. "Oh that's right, sorry Minghao I have plans with Hoshi." He visibly frowns. "That's the third time this week...are you two dating?"

Hoshi puts his arm around my waist. "So what if we are? Anyways Y/n come on I reserved a table at that hot pot place we like!" He drags me out the studio waving to Minghao on our way out.


"Do you think it's working? He seemed kinda mad when we left..." Hoshi smiles and nods. "Oh of course it's working. He was totally jealous!"

 He was totally jealous!"

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"Okay you can't avoid me anymore! Tonight you will cancel any plans you have and you're coming with me!" Minghao says towering over me as I scroll through my phone. "You're a little demanding aren't you?" He squints his eyes at me. "Look Y/n I don't care if you are dating Hoshi, I'm going to say what I have to say. You better be listening because I'm only going to say this once." I look up at him and my heart is pounding in anticipation. "I...I love you! I don't like you spending so much time with Hoshi, you should be spending time with me. So you should choose me instead of him."

"Umm okay

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"Umm okay...so let me get this straight, you like me? Like you like like me?" He chuckles softly and nods. "Oh wow...well Hoshi and I aren't really dating. He wanted to make you jealous. I guess it worked." I smile and Minghao purses his lips. "So will you be my girlfriend or not?" He yanks me up off the studio floor so I'm looking up at him properly. "YES...I mean yes of course I'll be your girlfriend hehe." He smiles widely and hugs me.

Hoshi comes walking in with flowers. "Y/n I got these for...oh are you two dating now?" Minghao smiles and hugs me tighter. "Yes and your services are no longer needed. I will be spending time with my girlfriend this evening so you'll have to find other plans."

"Yah! You don't have to be so rude! Anyways congratulations and Y/n I'll leave these flowers for you

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"Yah! You don't have to be so rude! Anyways congratulations and Y/n I'll leave these flowers for you."


I leave the flowers for Y/n and leave. I sigh as I walk out the building and to my car. I actually started to like hanging out with Y/n because she's so fun to be around. Her smile radiates such a beautiful energy that lights up a room. She's a wonderful dance partner and...I've caught feelings. I didn't want to but unfortunately I did. Maybe one day I'll get over it but for now I'll keep my distance. I'll try to let go of this one-sided love.

A/n : Ooooooo should there be a part2 or no? Not sure but requests are open and I'll even have a vote. Comment below and I'll do the winning subjects

Joshua (Seventeen)


Jay Park



Quarantine routine


School Days Romance

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