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"Just ask her out already." I snap out of my daydream and look at Sehun. "Excuse m—" He cuts me off with a look. "You've been staring at her dreamily for the past 6 months. I get it she's gorgeous but you'll be with her unless you talk to her."

Wow who knew the maknae was so smart?

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Wow who knew the maknae was so smart?

I sigh before walking over to the beautiful girl who sits on the other side our English class. I get halfway there before she notices me. She waves at me and smiles sweetly. I feel my heart start to beat rapidly so I decide to turn back and go sit in my seat. "Chicken out?" Sehun has a smirk playing on his face. "Shut up!"

Later when all of my friends and I are hanging out, they all start putting me under fire. "You need help and we can help you. Just let the master do his work." Chen smiles arrogantly and Suho rolls his eyes. "Yeah just go with his plan."

I listen to what they all plan out decisively. "Okay let's do it, phase 1!"

Phase 1:

I spot Bria standing at her locker conversing with her friends. "Go walk over there and ask her on a date. The worst she can say is no." I roll my eyes. "That's what I'm worried about, what if she doesn't like me?!" Chen gives me a look and pushes me towards her.

 "That's what I'm worried about, what if she doesn't like me?!" Chen gives me a look and pushes me towards her

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I carefully make my way over to Bria as her friends scatter off. She smiles at me and waves. I smile back but my knees start knocking causing me to stop in my tracks. Aish! Why can't I just talk to her?! The bell rings signaling that class is about to start and Bria waves before heading to her class.

"You're a piece of work you know that?" Chen rolls his eyes at me. I laugh nervously. "Phase 2?"

Phase 2:

I see Bria hanging with her friends at the mall. I promise I'm not a stalker, I just really like her. "You ready to get your girl?" Sehun smirks at me. "How did you get her number anyway?"

 "How did you get her number anyway?"

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"I asked for it, I'm not a chump." Fair enough.

Bria's POV

I was chilling with my girls until I hear a ping from my phone. I see a text from an unknown number.

555-5555- Hi, you're really pretty😊.

Who is this?!
Me-Who might you be?
555-5555- Your secret admirer. Meet me in the food court in 5min.

 Meet me in the food court in 5min

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Me- Alright.

"I'll be back girls, I'm going to the food court." I waved them goodbye as I head out the store. I walk the short walk to the food court. I see Baekhyun standing out like a sore thumb. I walk up to him.

"So are you my secret admirer?" He freezes up but smiles cutely. "Y-yes." He's too cute! "Awww that's sweet. I figured, you're always staring at me during class, in the hallways, at lunch...I could go on but that's cute." His smile widens.

"S-so would you like to go out with me? I really like you Bria." I smile and lean up and kiss his cheek. "Sure, I really like you too." It's about time.

Later that day~

I was chilling at home when I get a FaceTime call from my friend Chen. "What's up playboy?" He chuckles at his nickname. " did he do it?" I nod my head. "No thanks to you, I heard Sehun finally got him to ask."

"I tried but he didn't do it

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"I tried but he didn't do it. Anyway have fun with your boyfriend." He hangs up. I finally got my man😊.

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now