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Yoongi and I have been at each other's throats all day. I don't know why but he's been very moody since the party last night. "Yoongi I'm going to leave because clearly you need some time to yourself." He glares at me causing me to roll my eyes as I put on my boots.

"I'll call you tomorrow." I walk out the door and two houses down to my house. Yoongi's my best friend and honestly I'm about to drop him if he keeps up this attitude.

The next day at school I sat at a different table because I don't need drama in my life. "Hey what are you doing sitting by yourself?" I look up to see my crush Jimin standing over me. I smile and forget all about Yoongi.

"Oh uh well Yoongi was being a brat yesterday so here I am, by myself." He smiles and sits down across from me. "Well do you mind if I sit by you?" I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. "Be my guest." I feel someone burning holes in the back of my head. I look and see Yoongi glaring in my direction.

"So did you have fun at the party?" I nod and sip my coke. "It was fun but I'm not much of a party person. I like chilling up in my room watching dramas with a bunch of snacks by my side." He laughs beautifully almost like a melody in my ears.

"Don't look now but I think your boyfriend is glaring daggers at us." I almost choke on my drink. "What boyfriend?! I don't have one!" He looks at me confused. "So you and Yoongi aren't dating? Then why did he tell me if I didn't stay away from you he'd kill me?" I close my eyes and put everything together.

 "So you and Yoongi aren't dating? Then why did he tell me if I didn't stay away from you he'd kill me?" I close my eyes and put everything together

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"Yoongi likes me doesn't he?" Jimin nods his head. "He's jealous that I'm talking to you instead of him?" He nods again. I sigh and look at him. His expression turns blank and cold. "You should go talk to him."

"Uh not after that attitude he gave me yesterday! He needs to come talk to me

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"Uh not after that attitude he gave me yesterday! He needs to come talk to me." I take one more sip of my drink and get up to throw away my leftover food.

After cheer practice I go to my locker and to get my books for homework. Suddenly I'm pushed against my locker and face to face with Yoongi who might I add looks hot when he's angry. "Why didn't you eat lunch with me today huh?"

"Uh yesterday you were angry so I decided to give you space

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"Uh yesterday you were angry so I decided to give you space." He scoffs. "So you do that by sitting and laughing with Jimin? You're mine alright? You only sit with me and you only laugh with me. Got it?"

 Got it?"

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"Are you going to apologize to me or even ask me out? I deserve better than be—" He cuts me off with a swift kiss making me forget what I was thinking

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"Are you going to apologize to me or even ask me out? I deserve better than be—" He cuts me off with a swift kiss making me forget what I was thinking. "Next time tell Jimin you're taken." He leaves me there swooning over him.


"Hey Y/n want to go out sometime?" I shake my head. "Sorry Jimin I'm taken and you'll be taken by a higher power if you sit in Yoongi's seat."

"So you two are dating!" "Yeah we are now get lost before you're 10 feet under

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"So you two are dating!" "Yeah we are now get lost before you're 10 feet under." Yoongi sits down placing my tray in front of me. "Here you go jagiya."


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Sooo yeah this is probably trash but I don't care enjoy.

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now