Suga vs Giriboy Part 2

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Three weeks later~


Yoongi has been calling me and texting me that he 'likes' me after I said we need a break. I don't want to liked, I want to be loved. I turn off my phone and go into the studio with Siyoung. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been pretty quiet." I sigh which has been the norm for me lately. "I just wish somebody loved me like I loved them. I invested so much time into him oppa and it's like he rejected my heart. Am I just a trophy?"

He grabs my hands and stills our steps. "Don't think less of yourself because of this s one guy. There's a guy out there right now who wants to give you the world and be your world. You just have to open your eyes." He smiles and leaves a soft kiss on my forehead. "You always know how to make me feel better. Maybe I should've invested my time with you instead." He just smirks and wraps his arm around my shoulder as we continue walking.


Y/n has been ignoring me for three weeks now and I'm starting to think we're over. "Maybe you should tell her how you really feel." Jungkook comes sipping on some tea. I roll my eyes at him. "Why don't you go mind your own business." He shrugs. "And you wonder why Y/n left you for Siyoung hyung but that's none of my business."

I throw my shoe at him telling him to go away

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I throw my shoe at him telling him to go away. "He's right, stop being prideful and get it over with. She's been with Siyoung this entire time and I know he's winning her over." Jimin says sitting next to me. "How do you know? Did she say something about it or are you just fishing for attention." He rolls his eyes.

He takes out his phone and starts reading aloud. "Yoongi is so hard to read. I don't even know if he loves me or even cares. Siyoung says I deserve better and he's right, I do. I just need time to think but I'm sure Yoongi and I are—" I tell him to stop because I feel like I'm going to cry. "Just leave me alone right now."

I decide to just go over by her house to clear up some things. When I get there I see a car I don't recognize. Y/n doesn't believe in curtains so her windows are on full display which is understandable because she lives kind of secluded but they are tinted. I peer in and see her and him cuddled up on her couch laughing about something. I feel a pang in my heart because she's laughing with someone else.

I sigh but ring the doorbell anyway.


I hear my doorbell and look at Siyoung. "Are you expecting company?" I shake my head and move to get up but he stops me. "Let me check it out first, I don't want you to get hurt." He goes to the door and looks through the peephole. "Who is it?" He turns and mouths 'Yoongi'.

I roll my eyes and go to the door. "What do you want Min Yoongi? I'm kind of busy right now." "Can we talk? There are some things we need to talk about." I look at Siyoung and he kisses my forehead. "It's okay, just give him a chance to explain himself. You might like what he has to say and that's okay. If you don't then I'll be right here." I smile at his words. "You're the best."

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