Jay Park

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A dangerous affair, loving him that is. He broke my heart and I still can't get over how much I love him. We dated sophomore year until the summer when I found him kissing another girl.

Now it's senior year and almost prom time so my best friend Pam is trying to get me back in the swing of things. "Girl you got to get back on the horse! There are plenty of fish in the sea." I sigh. "No one approaches me anymore because they're afraid of Jay. Although we're not together he likes to make sure no one messes with me being single."

"Like I said forget him and I know the perfect person to help

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"Like I said forget him and I know the perfect person to help. You remember Jiho right? He likes you." I purse my lips. "He's also Jay's friend."

"Even better!" She takes out her phone and calls someone. She goes out the room so I can't hear the conversation but I'm hoping it's not who I think.

At school I was comfortably eating my lunch talking to Pam when Jiho comes and sits down next to me. "So Y/n I heard that you don't have a date to prom." I give Pam a look.

"I don't because I'm probably not going to go, why?" He smiles cutely and grabs my hand

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"I don't because I'm probably not going to go, why?" He smiles cutely and grabs my hand. "I just needed a confirmation, thanks." He gets up and runs off to Jay's table with a very unhappy Jay.

After lunch I hop into my car and head home. As soon as I sink into my couch my phone dings meaning I received a text.

Jaebum😈: What were you and Jiho talking about at lunch?

I leave him on read and decide to just scroll through Pinterest. Not long before he requests to FaceTime me. I roll my eyes and answer it.

"Why did you leave me on read? You know that I'll call you." I sigh knowing he won't leave me alone. "What do you want Jaebum? I'm trying to relax before I have to work on my oral report for English."

"Answer my question." I scoff and roll my eyes. "Why don't you ask him? He's your friend."

He rolls his eyes

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He rolls his eyes. "I did and he won't tell me. You know I don't like other guys talking to you." I purse my lips. "He only asked me if I had a date to the prom...and I can talk to whoever I want because we're not together anymore and haven't been for 3 years."

He smiles. "What did you tell him?" I change into a laying down position on my couch. "That I wasn't probably going because I don't have a date." He hums. "Would you go if I asked you?" I shrug. "Probably not, I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why not?" Is he clueless?!

"Must I remind you that you cheated on me and the fact I broke up with you like I don't know 3 years ago? Anything ringing a bell?!" He chuckles

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"Must I remind you that you cheated on me and the fact I broke up with you like I don't know 3 years ago? Anything ringing a bell?!" He chuckles.

"Oh Y/n, I know you're over that by now and you still love me." I immediately hang up on him. Why do I let him still bother me. That's it, I'm doing something I should've done a long time ago.

 That's it, I'm doing something I should've done a long time ago

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I've successfully cut him off on all social media and I even avoid him at school. "I'm so proud of you for letting him go. Now you just need a date to the prom." I shake my head. "I'm not going to prom I decided I'm going on vacation instead. I'll take a break from this drama and enjoy myself."

Pam looks at me in disbelief. "What do you mean you're not going to prom?! That's a milestone in a girl's life." I shrug and sip my bubble tea. "Eh I'm not feeling it. You have your date, just have fun." She just sits there in shock.

"Hey can I borrow Y/n for a second?" Jay asks before pulling me out the cafeteria and into a random empty classroom. "What are y—" "Why did you block me huh?" I roll my eyes. "Are you dumb or something? I don't want to deal with you!" He flicks my forehead. "Pabo you know you're lying to yourself. You still want me and you still love me."

"What makes you so sure of that?" He smirks and leans in closer to me causing me to back up to the wall. "You'd tell me to stop." Before I know it his lips are on mine and I'm melting into him.

"So who's girl are you?" I sigh knowing I'm defeated. "Yours." He smiles. "Good now go tell Jiho that."

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