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Since he was so requested why not🤷🏽‍♀️. Yoongi up next sooooo watch out lovelies 💕alsooo idk if it's because I'm about to graduate or because I've been listening to the HSM2 soundtrack but eh whatever...let's get it💃🏽


"What time is it?" I look at Jongin with a playful annoyed look. "Summer time!" We both laugh as we walk into first period. "I actually wish it was, then we could be together all the time." I scoff because there was one problem with what he just said, his girlfriend hates me. "Uh yeah not if it was up to Krystal. You know she ha—" I feel my body collide with a desk cutting off my sentence short and my patience.

"Jongin! I've missed you ...oh hey Y/n." Speaking of the shedevil herself. "Hey baby, what's up?" She smiles and I'm still standing there counting to 10.

 "Hey baby, what's up?" She smiles and I'm still standing there counting to 10

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"Do you want to sit with me today? I'm feeling lonely." He smiles and nods leaving with her. 'She's about to feel pain in a minute!'

"She legit pushed me into a desk and he said nothing! I think either he lost his mind or he didn't care." I was telling Kyungsoo all about what happened this morning. "She what? I swear she has it out for you. I can't hit her but I can sure hit him." I sigh shaking my head. "I've got to get over him."

"Girl you know you're not, you've been in love with him since middle school

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"Girl you know you're not, you've been in love with him since middle school." I know he's right so I make a decision. "Well then I'll let him be, he can have Krystal and I'll find a new best friend." He eyes go big. "So like you're cutting him off?! Just like that?" I nod. "Just like that."

I hear him laughing in the distance so I excuse myself and go in the other direction. Since it's the end of the school day I decide to treat myself to Five Guys.

Jongin🤩💕 is requesting to FaceTime ...

I decline the call and carry on with my homework. Apparently he doesn't give up because he calls 10 more times. I finally answer on the 11th call. "What do you want Jongin?" He just smiles. "Where were you at lunch? I was looking for you. Kyungsoo said you were cutting me off but I didn't want to believe it."

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