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"Jagi you look fine...don't worry about changing or anything. They'll love you." My boyfriend has just woke me up from a nap and I look a hot mess. "Really I look okay?"

 "Really I look okay?"

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"Of course, you look beautiful

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"Of course, you look beautiful." He smiles encouraging me to almost take his advice. "Well I'm still going to fix myself before I go over to the dorms."

"You must be Y/n, it's so nice to finally meet you."

I raise an eyebrow at the boy standing before me, why? He's speaking clear English so I look at Jaehyeong to explain

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I raise an eyebrow at the boy standing before me, why? He's speaking clear English so I look at Jaehyeong to explain. "He's from California jagiya so he speaks English." I nod and smile at the boy. "Sorry my boyfriend doesn't talk about you guys a lot so I don't know your name but it's nice to meet you too."

"Oh really is that so?" Jaehyeong shrugs his shoulders. "Well we have better things to talk about. Anyway let us in I don't want my jagiya to sweat out her hair standing in this heat." He pushes me inside which I was grateful for. I'm met with two other boys who are all smiles. "Ah you must be the amazing Y/n."

"I must be

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"I must be...I wish Jaehyeongie told me about you all. Do the rest of you speak English too?" They all laugh including Jaehyeong who is more embarrassed. "It's okay, I'm sure you two have more to talk about than his band all the time. I'm Hajoon."

"And I'm Dojoon

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"And I'm Dojoon."

"Cool you guys are really cute

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"Cool you guys are really cute. I'm glad Jaehyeongie has good cool friends like you guys." They all smile.

"See it wasn't that bad, you have to step out of your comfort zone jagiya." I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I'm hungry so just order already." We're out on a date chilling low profile so he won't get noticed. "You're cute, get whatever you want I'll pay." I smile because I have my eyes on a lot.


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"Jal mukesseumida!" We dig into our food and I smile because my baby is eating well. "I'm glad you're eating well oppa." He pauses eating and looks at me. "O-oppa?" I realize what I've said and look around trying to figure out how to cover it up. "Uh I meant that I um oooh to say um appa." He starts coughing and turning red. People start looking over at us.

"Uh jagi please don't say that last one in public again

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"Uh jagi please don't say that last one in public again..." It then hits me that I've called my boyfriend daddy out in public and almost made him have a heart attack. "Omo! I'm so sorry I didn't mean t—" He smiles and pats my hand. "We've been dating for almost two years, I know you didn't mean to say it that way. Although I like it, just not in public places okay?"

I nod quickly coughing to relieve my anxious thoughts. "Oh um okay....you want to feed me some of that tteokbokki?"

"I uh enjoyed today with you." I still get shy around my boyfriend although we've been dating forever it seems. "I enjoyed you today as well. I'm going to be straight with you though, I liked when you called me appa. Can that be my pet name now?"

 Can that be my pet name now?"

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"Sure..." He smiles. "Cool." He leans down and I get on my tiptoes so it'll be easier for him to kiss me. Once our lips meet I feel him smile against my lips. "I love you jagiya."

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now