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A/n: Well thank you so much for all the love for the series...it has come to an end BUT there's sub series coming out by popular demand. Any who enjoy this high school drama I concocted.


I pull up on the campus of my high school anxious. Why? Well I kinda said something I regret over a FaceTime call last night. I told my best friend that I like someone and she has an extremely big mouth. The whole school must know...including him. I get out the car and am greeted by my said friend. "Heyyy girl! So good news and bad news." I sigh grabbing my book bag out the trunk. "Let me guess...you let it slip that I like Jinyoung to the whole school?" She shakes her head. "Jinyoung? Ohhhh...I said Jaebeom. Oops!" My life is definitely over. We walk into school and all eyes are on me. I make it to my locker and I put in the books I don't need. "Hey Y/n, what's up? I heard you like my friend." BamBam the class clown who happens to be apart of Jinyoung's squad. "Well I guess it's not a secret I can keep any longer now can I?" He laughs and shrugs. "I guess so...the whole school knows that you like JB. I thought you'd like Jinyoung on account you two hang out so much. Oh well..."

"Well actually I do like Jinyoung, my friend heard me wrong

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"Well actually I do like Jinyoung, my friend heard me wrong. Now he probably thinks I'm in love with his best friend."


After 2nd period I head off to lunch and I empty the contents of my lunch box on the table. "Is this seat taken?" JB says holding his tray of food. I gesture he's fine to sit across from me. "So I know you don't like me...BamBam told me which is a relief." I raise an eyebrow. "Well excuse me ...I guess I'm not the pick of the crop." His eyes go big. "No no you're really pretty it's just Jinyoung likes you so he'd be mad if I went out with you." I almost choke on my homemade fried rice. "What?! He likes me?" JB face palms himself. "Oh man did I let that slip? He's going to kill me...speaking of which we have company." I turn to see an angry looking Jinyoung marching over to our table. "Hi Jinyoung..." He ignores JB and sits next to me. "Y/n you can't like that idiot! There's got to be a mistake that you like him! He's not even your type!" I decide to play along. "What is my type exactly?" He scratches the back of his neck. "Well I was thinking...me."

"What's wrong with her liking me? I'm a catch!"

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"What's wrong with her liking me? I'm a catch!"

"What's wrong with her liking me? I'm a catch!"

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"More like she'll catch your stupidity...look at you! You're talking with food in your mouth neanderthal!" I try to stifle my laughter but I can't help but laugh. The bell rings and I put the food I didn't eat back in my lunch box. "Well that's my cue to go, I'll see you in class Jinyoung." I turn to get up but he catches my wrist. "Y/n...choose me. I'll work for it, just don't choose my best friend!" I smile at him. "Aww Jinyoung but I already have chose you, I like you anyways. I don't even like JB, stupid isn't my type...no offense." JB shrugs. "A match made in heaven. Two mean people deserve each other!"


"Oh so now are you two dating?" My friend asks at the end of the day. "I'm not sure, we haven't made anything official. We just both know that we like each other." Jinyoung comes up to me and wraps his arm around my waist. "Are you busy?" I look at my friend who takes the hint and dips. "No why?" We walk out the building and he walks me to my car. "Well I wanted to take my girlfriend out on a date." I raise my eyebrows. "Oh so I am your girlfriend? Well I don't see why not...I'll drop my car off to my house."

"I had a great night Jinyoung, thank you!" He walks me to my front door. "Anything for my girlfriend..." We lean towards each other and right before we kiss the front door opens. "Oooo mommy is going to get you! MOMMY Y/N IS AT THE DOOR KISSING!!" My little brother runs off and I groan. My mom comes running and she stops when she sees Jinyoung. "Oh it's just Jinyoung, hush boy! They're just friends." She pulls my brother by the ear up the stairs and I sigh. "We'll see you tomorrow?" He chuckles and quickly kisses my lips. "See you tomorrow."

A/n: Wowwww this was cool writing I guess so requests are open

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A/n: Wowwww this was cool writing I guess so requests are open. Let them roll out.

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