Idol High

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A/n: Hey guys so this is all based off a dream I've been having lately and if it's well received I'll turn it into a separate book😊.

"Hi are you interested in Korean culture and Kpop? Do you want to get to know the Idols you've come to love? This is the place for you! Fill out the application and see if you're qualified for what it takes to be an Idol!"

I quickly pull up the online application and fill it out. I have been into Korean culture for 8 years and it's time my knowledge be put to the test. I answer all of the requirements and send my application in hoping I'll get a response.

"Girrrrrrrrrrrlllllll, I'm LIVING!! This is our chance to meet our ultimate biases and if we're fortunate....marry them!" My best friends are on a Group FaceTime call screaming. "They specifically said they don't want Koreaboos and fangirling on campus. We'll have to work on it."

"Don't our acceptance letters come today if we get in? We already did our interviews so hopefully we all get in. I personally can't wait to see Mark."
The rest of us look at her. "We know Kayla, we know." The doorbell rings and I tell them to hold on. A Korean man was standing at the door with an envelope.

"Hello Ms.Diamond, you're formally invited to attend Idol High, your flight leaves in the morning. Your ticket is inside along with the itinerary for your first day and check in for your dorm room. 안녕히 가세요!"

Wowww I actually got in...


My friends and I arrive to the airport along with our luggage. "So do we order an Uber they provide us transportation? Wait...I see a sign that says Idol High." We head towards the man holding the sign and he looks really familiar. "You girls attending Idol High?"

"MINHO?! I mean um yes we're attending Idol High

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"MINHO?! I mean um yes we're attending Idol High. Ahaha..." He smiles and gestures for us to follow him. "Girrrrrllll we hit the jackpot!" "I know we are finally living like a kdrama!" "I wonder how the dorms work!"

"Ladies are you coming?" We stop whispering among ourselves and run after him.


We arrive on campus and it looks like we stepped into what looks like Boys Over Flowers and My Hero Academia had a baby. "Wowww we're going to live here?!" Minho chuckles a bit at our reactions. "Well yes of course. Your luggage will be taken to your room while you attend orientation. Well it was nice meeting you ladies, enjoy your time here."

We exit the limo and step foot on campus for the first time. As we enter the Admin office we are ushered to the orientation center and sat at a computer desk. "Welcome to Idol High, please insert your full legal name into the appropriate section."

Click click

"Welcome Mina to Idol High, you will now take a quiz to decide who your roommates will be. The dorms are co-Ed."

Click click

"Your results are in. You are best matched with BamBam of Got7 and YangYang of WayV. You can not be matched with your biases. Please head to your dorm to continue orientation."

 Of course I wouldn't be paired with my biases

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Of course I wouldn't be paired with my biases...I knew it. I check to see that my friends are finished with their quizzes. "So who did you get?"

"Yugyeom and Hendery."
"Hwasa and Yuta"
"Wooyoung and Zuho"
"Wooseok and Shownu."

"Oh cool. Well I'm going to head to my dorm, I'll catch you later." I walk to my dorm and bump into someone. "Oh excuse me beautiful, are you okay?" I look up to see the man of my dreams( 🥴) Jackson Wang. " oh uh no but I'll be okay later...." He smiles and presses the elevator button. "Sooo do you like Got7?" The doors open and we walk inside. "Absolutely, that's my...favorite group...floor 7 please."

"Oh me too, what room are you in?" I look at my sheet and back at him. "4..." I'm so nervous I hope I'm not sweating. "I'm in 5, that's across the hall. I guess I'll be seeing you around. Can I see your schedule?" I pass him my paper and my hands touch slightly and I feel my stomach fill up with butterflies. Oh good god.

"We have the same morning classes, maybe we can walk to class together." He smiles as he hands me my paper back. "Oh okayyyyy, I wouldn't be opposed to that idea." The doors open and we step out together. "Oh I think our rooms are this way." I follow him and we find our dorms. "Well I'll let you get settled, maybe later we can go to the café together?" "Oh sure that sounds good. Just knock on my door ..."

I open my door and wave to him before closing it. If I stayed in his presence any longer I think I would've burst. "How am I going to control myself around him?" "Around who?" I jump because I know that voice all too well, BamBam.

 "How am I going to control myself around him?" "Around who?" I jump because I know that voice all too well, BamBam

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"No one...hi I'm Mina." He shrugs and waves. "You already know who I am, Double B!" YangYang pops out his room and smiles. "Hi Mina, it's nice to meet you!"

"Awww you're so cute in person, it's nice to meet you too!" He blushes a bit as he smiles

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"Awww you're so cute in person, it's nice to meet you too!" He blushes a bit as he smiles. "Well go settle in, we'll hang out later." I smile as I open the door labeled Mina and close it. I let out a breath of relief and see that my bags have been placed at the foot of the bed. I think I'll have a lot to get used to but I think I'm gonna like it here.

Okay so I'm going to update this for the part 2 but this is long enough haha. Please comment 🥰

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now