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"Do you really have to go? Can't you just stay here with me?" Now I already know what he's about to say, the answer is no. "Come on baby you know I can't stay as much as I want to. I have business to take care of. When I get back I'll give you some attention."

Lee Seonghwa my boyfriend is apart of the AOMG Mafia, one of the biggest in South Korea. "Whatever, I might not be here when you get back." He goes for a hug but I turn away. "Baby don't be like that, you know I love you. I promise this won't take long." I hum in response still upset with him. He sighs bringing me for kiss.

"Don't have an attitude with me, now I have to go so lock all the doors and turn on the alarm before you leave the house. I'll see you later baby." He pecks my lips before leaving me by myself.

"Yeah I think this is all for now." I hand the cashier my card paying for all the clothes I just gathered. I hate being home alone so I just go out shopping whenever my boyfriend has a meeting. As I walk out of H&M towards the food court I feel like I'm being followed. I'm glad I took Seonghwa's advice and got that taser.

I spot six men following me in black in different directions closing in on me. I stop walking and they disperse....weird. I then decide to call Seonghwa.

"Do you miss me already?" I roll my eyes. "A group of six men in all black are following me, they just dispersed. What do I do?" I hear him curse on the other side. "Where are you? I'll send back up." "The mall...uh they're back." I look and see they're all surrounding me. "Baby whatever you do, don't hang up the phone."

The next thing I know I feel a slight pinch and I look down to see a dart in my right thigh. I feel myself getting dizzy and then finally blacking out.

I wake up in a room lying on a bed. "You're awake, good." I look and see a tall figure coming from the dark corner of the room.

"And who are you supposed to be?" He chuckles revealing his face

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"And who are you supposed to be?" He chuckles revealing his face. "I'm Min Yoongi the leader of BTS." I scoff. "Lie again, that's most definitely Namjoon. Where's he at anyway?" I see his face fall slightly but then turn hard. "He's no longer with us sorry to disappoint. Now I hope you're comfortable because you'll be staying here for awhile."

"Woah my dude back up, I'm not staying here. My baby Gray will be here any moment and will make you regret capturing me."

"Huh well that's weird because I thought he was taken out last night after attempting that little heroic effort

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"Huh well that's weird because I thought he was taken out last night after attempting that little heroic effort. Hmm try again." Yoongi scoffs turning away from me. Gray isn't dead...he'll come for me.


"We have to get her back! Why are you waiting so long to send in back up?!" I'm getting really heated with Simon right now. "Look I can't risk men right now after that little incident of you killing their leader. We can't afford it right now." I punch the wall in anger. "If you won't help save her I'll go in by myself." Y/n baby I'm coming.

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now