Dean vs Christian Part 1

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"You know what, I'm done! I'm sick and tired of you're mouth! And who are you anyways?! This friendship is over honey!" I slam the door and regain My composure.

"And...that's a wrap. Thanks everyone that was a good scene. Y/n you're a natural as usual. Get some rest and I'll see you all next week." The director, Eric sends us off after we finished filming the season finale of Life with Diamonds.

I go to my dressing room to change into my regular clothes. I hear a knock on the door so I tell them to come in. My costar Dean comes in smiling at me. "Hey natural, are you busy right now?" I roll my eyes at the name he called me.

"What do you want Kwon Hyuk?" He groans slightly but keeps his cool. "You know I told you not to call me that? Anyway I want to take you out to dinner. Maybe after you'll—"

I hold up a hand. "Save it Kwon Hyuk, we might be a thing on screen but we are not a thing in real life." I put on my jean jacket and brush past him.

When I get out the recording studio I put on my shades and walk to my jeep. I put my purse on the passenger seat and start the car. I spot Dean in my rear view mirror as I back out of my parking spot.

Will he ever just leave me alone?!

I roll my eyes and pulled out the parking lot without giving him a second glance.

I hear my phone go off as soon as I park in front of my house. It's from my baby Christian.

Jagi💕: Hey are you done at the studio? I miss you 😘

I smile at the text but I soon frown when I receive a call from Dean.

"What do you want boy?!" I get out my car and go inside my house.

"Uh well I wanted to apologize for earlier, I just want to be friends." I sigh as I plop on my couch.

"Cool. I forgive you...I guess but friendship you'll have to earn."

"I can do that but thank you."

I shrug although he can't see me. "You're welcome ...I'll see you later." I hang up and text Christian back to see what he's up to. After texting him I look at my camera roll at a cute picture I took of him on our last date.

 After texting him I look at my camera roll at a cute picture I took of him on our last date

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Yeah Dean I'm not leaving him cuz he's all the man I need.

Wanna bet?

I jump and almost drop my phone. Did he just speak to me inside my head?! Oh heck no we aren't doing this, see this is what we're not gonna do!

Get out my head you moron!

Nah I'll stay here a bit. You'll thank me later.

Oh the games have just begun.

Hey peeps this was a request but I put a little spin on it and I'm turning it into a short series. You're welcome and stay strong lovelies 💕✌🏾👋🏾

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