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Well because Jackson is my bias he'll be first 👌🏾? 👌🏾😂

Today is the first time in forever that my boyfriend Jackson and I get to hang out. He's always busy and I'm not sure how we're working out. Don't get me wrong, I love him I just think we're drifting apart.

I hear the doorbell ring and my dog immediately starts barking. "Aish, be quiet!" I whisper yell as I go get the door. Jackson is standing there with a bouquet of my favorite flowers and my favorite candies from around the world. "Jagi I've missed you!" He smiles and I start feeling bad about what I have to do later.

I take my gifts and smile. "Thank you Jackson, I love this and I love you!" I peck his cheek before I go to put the flowers in a vase. He buys me flowers every time he comes back from a trip. He follows behind me like a lost puppy. "So did you miss me while I was gone? You know I've missed you." He hugs me from behind and rest his chin on my shoulder. "Of course I did. I always do. How was your tour of America?" He  turns me around so I can face him.  "It was great but I'm glad I'm back with you. Touring is fun but you're who I want to spend the rest of my life with, not my members. No offense to them." He starts laughing at the end and I smile. I've really missed that laugh.

"So Jagi, what do you want to do first?" I shrug. "I don't know, just being with you makes me happy. We don't have to go anywhere." He smiles and pecks my lips. "Oh Y/n you're so cute. Come on I have a new food spot for us to try." He drags me to the front door earning a bark from my dog. "Oh sorry Peri, I wasn't hurting your mommy." I laugh and wave at my Peri before I close and lock the door. After Jackson pulls me to his car and let's me in on the passenger side. I thank him as I get in the car. I really have missed us.

While Jackson drives he holds my left hand in his right hand. I look at our hands together, his fair hand over my brown one. I feel complete. "Y/n are you okay? You're really quiet today." He glances over at me. I smile and nod. "Yeah I'm fine. I just missed this. You're always gone and I'm always here. I love your job, I just wish I see you more." He smiles and squeezes my hand. "You know, I feel the same way. Things are going to change pretty soon. Plus I've missed my chocolate queen." He laughs and I playfully glare at him. "Jackson, I told you stop calling me that." He smirks and shrugs. "I know but I can't help but say it. You know I love my chocolate." He winks and I'm glad you can't see my blush because of my melanin rich skin. "We're here Jagi, come on."

We go into this restaurant and I look in awe at how aesthetic the decor is. "Reservation?" The host says smiling. I'm glad they speak English. Sometimes it's hard on me to understand Korean, I just started learning but I'm picking it up. "Wang, Wang Jackson." I giggle at him trying to be funny. The host smiles and shows us our table. We sit across from each other and peruse the menu. "Hello, my name is Mark, I'll serve you today. Can I start you off with drinks?" I look up from my menu to see my best friend Mark. "What in the actual....Mark what are you doing here? Oh my....Jackson did you plan this?" Jackson just smiles and Mark laughs. "So are all the members here?" Mark just smirks. "You'll see, so your drink?" I roll my eyes and tell him I want a sprite. Jackson takes a coke and tells Mark to leave.

"You know I secretly think Mark is going to steal you away from me." I laugh at him which causes him to make a face. "You know I think the same thing sometimes." Now we're both laughing and some people are actually starting to stare. I clear my throat and pretend to look through the menu. "So do you know what you want? I know what I want." I look at Jackson to see him smiling at me. "Is there something on my face?" "Yeah come here I'll get it." We both lean in and he decides to crash his lips into mine. "Here are your drinks....eww Jackson that's not appropriate to do in public." We pull away when we hear Mark. "Oh I'm sorry our lip locking makes you uncomfortable. We'll be more considerate." I laugh and so does Jackson. He is the king of sass. Mark rolls his eyes. "Anyway are you ready to order Y/n?" I nod and tell him I want gimbap and Jackson just copies me. "I'll be back with your orders. Y/n I feel sorry for you." "I wouldn't, I actually love Jackson the way he is." Mark laughs as he walks away.

We eat our food in a comfortable silence. I spy JB watching me from the kitchen. "Uh Jackson, does JB want you or something? He's staring pretty hard..." Jackson finds where I'm looking and shakes his head. "Ah! Nae yeojaleul boji mala!" I laugh and shake my head. This boy...got to love him though.

All of the members come out of the kitchen and head towards us. BamBam waves at me and I wave back. "Hey Y/n it's time." I raise an eyebrow. "Time for what exactly?" I turn to look at Jackson but he's disappeared. "Where the....where did my boyfriend go? Mark?!??!!!" Mark shrugs and BamBam snickers. Next thing you know the beginning of Just Right comes on and Jackson starts singing/rapping. The boys join in and I'm left to watch this planned performance.

At the end Jackson gets down on one knee. "Y/n, we've been together a while now and I can honestly say that I love you. You are the moon and the stars in my sky. You brighten up my day just by hearing your voice. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Y/F/N will you marry me?" I am balling at this point. "Yesss!!! A thousand times yes! Ugh I love you so much!" I let him slip the ring on my finger. I pull him into a kiss with all the passion I can muster. And to think I would break up with him. I love him way too much and I now realize this is it, I'm spending the rest of my life with him.

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