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It looks like he won so let's get on with it. I'm feeling high school like because I haven't done a school one for him yet. Let's get it(btw this takes place in NC just cuz)💕


"JAGI!!!!" I look up to see my boyfriend aka the sun himself running towards me. I smile brightly and open my arms wide for him. He picks me up and spins me around before placing me down. "Ugh I missed you over spring break. I hope you had fun back in (y/hometown)." He pouts cutely making me giggle. "Aww I missed you too! I thought about you every single day."

"I thought about you every single hour and every minute of the day. I lo—". Yoongi claps a hand over his mouth. "Enough of this love fest. Great you too missed each other, if you wanna be mushy go be somewhere else!" He rolls his eyes and walks away.

 Great you too missed each other, if you wanna be mushy go be somewhere else!" He rolls his eyes and walks away

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"Oh don't worry about him jagi. He's just jealous of how much I love you." He pecks my forehead and I frown slightly. "I haven't seen you in a week and I don't get a kiss?" He chuckles and leans in connecting our lips softly. "Get a room!" We hear Yoongi not too far away.

 "Get a room!" We hear Yoongi not too far away

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"You two show too much PDA. I'm disgusted." I shrug. "Well you don't have to watch either way."

Hoseok my ball of sunshine is in both of my classes for the day. When we finish we walk out hand in hand. "Let me take you out to lunch today, I want to treat you out." I smile but I feel bad for what I'm about to say. My parents don't want me out with him during the week anymore. "I'm really sorry Hobi but I can't."

His face falters a little making me feel really bad. Well...my parents are just going to have to deal with me later. "I...I can't wait!" His smile returns and he chuckles in relief. "Ah for a second I thought you were going to say you can't go. Alright let's go!" I'm about to get it when I get home.

He decides to take me to a Korean restaurant for lunch and to get ice cream afterwards. "Jagi I'll order for us, I know this is your first time so I'll make sure you have a great time."

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now