Idol High 6

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A/n : Usually my dreams are really dramatic but I guess this series is a romantic comedy which I guess gets me through quarantine lol. But enjoy!


It's been a crazy year of being with Jackson. Although we weren't officially dating in the first three months, I've come to actually know and love him. Before it was just because he was my ultimate bias but now it's because he's the love of my life. Who knew I'd be sitting at the table with my family along with Jackson and his parents. "So we wanted to surprise you guys with a beach trip! We've taken care of everything. All you have to do is pack essentials." Our parents smile and thank us. "We just wanted to give you a little vacation. Also Nani will be taken care of too, Uncle R said she can stay with him while you're gone." My mom gasps. "You really have taken care of everything, I'm so glad we have a daughter like you."

We bid our families goodbye and head to our car. "Do you think Goku is alright at the park with Yugyeom and Youngjae?" Jackson starts the car. "I'm sure they're fine, we're going to pick them up now." I sigh and put on my seatbelt. "You're right, you're always right." He smiles and takes my hand. "Have I told you that you look beautiful today?" I giggle lightly. "No..." He leans closer closing the gap between us. "Well you do, I can't wait for us to get married." He cups my cheek with his free hand and lightly places a kiss on my lips. "Me too, Goku might want a brother or sister." Jackson raises his eyebrow.  "You're talking about another puppy or a baby?"

"Puppy...babies can come later." He smiles and pecks my lips again. "Speaking of puppies, lets go pick him up." We make our way to the park where the boys are. They hop in smelling like they need a shower. "I'm guessing you boys had fun?" They were all smiles. "We didn't know Goku responded to Japanese so when we were teaching him tricks he wouldn't do what we said." Jackson starts laughing at them. "He understands English too. You should've said it in English." Yugyeom facepalms himself.

"Ahhhh I feel so dumb now. Mina can we get Cook Out?" I turn my body facing them. "You know about that?" Youngjae pulls out his phone. "I looked it up and it came up in recommended." "Ohhhhhh well then yes! I could use a milkshake!" Jackson pulls over so we can switch spots. "Why's Mina driving?" I put on my seatbelt. "Well because I know where I'm going. And I know how to get places faster than the GPS." Jackson nods. "It's true, her parents call her the human GPS." I hear them say 'ahhh okay' as I pull off.

"There's so many different flavors...Mina what do you usually get?" I smile happily at the thought of my favorite milkshake. "Strawberry Cheesecake!" Jackson looks at them. "Do you guys want to try it?" They nod. "You guys want burgers right?" I pull up to the speaker and order for them. I pay at the window and pass them their food. "Be careful, Goku will try to eat your food." I hear him whimper in the backseat, my poor baby.

We get back to the Airbnb to see the others chilling in the living room. "You guys went to Cook Out and didn't bring us anything?" Yugyeom shrugs. "Maybe you should've asked." He sips his milkshake and Mark rolls his eyes. "How could we ask if we didn't know?" I pull out a bag of food and put it on the table while Jackson brings in the drinks. "You're welcome." They all crowd around the table and go through the bag like they haven't eaten in days. "Thanks Mina, I knew you were my best friend." I go sit on the couch and give Goku a bone. "That's for being a good boy and not eating their food. But no problem, we were there and I figured you people lazed around.

Jackson joins me on the couch and rest his head on my lap. "Has Khi made up his mind about his trip to Japan?" I nod and run my fingers through his hair. "He said the lot of you can come. I'm excited to show him around to different places I've been and the food...I'm ready to go." Jackson chuckles and smiles up at me. "You're a great big sister, you're always looking out for him." I sigh thinking about my younger brother. "Yeah....I'm the most dependable sibling he has." Mark raises an eyebrow. "You have other siblings?" Kayla gives him a look.

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now