DPR Live

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Part 2~

"You did amazing tonight! I'm so proud of you guys!"

"Aww thanks Y/n/n, that's a lot coming from you! Oh who is this?" Loco nods towards Christian who extends his hand

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"Aww thanks Y/n/n, that's a lot coming from you! Oh who is this?" Loco nods towards Christian who extends his hand. "Hey mate I'm Christian." Gray nods his head. "That director dude? Don't you hang out with Dabin?" He nods. "Guilty as charged."

Loco pulls me aside away from the group. "So like is that your boyfriend?" I shake my head. "No we're just friends...for now." He raises an eyebrow. "You like this dude?!" He whisper yells causing me to shush him. "Yeah I do, what's wrong with him?"

"Does Dabin know about this? You know he likes you right?" I sigh knowing where this is going

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"Does Dabin know about this? You know he likes you right?" I sigh knowing where this is going. "I know and I think Christian is the best option for me. With Dabin I'll have to worry about his fan base and I don't have time for that."

He hums and looks over at Christian laughing away with Gray. "Is that the real reason or are you just scared of his funboy tendencies? He called me the other day and asked me if I was cool with him dating you."

"WHAT?!" Everyone looks over at us

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"WHAT?!" Everyone looks over at us. "Sorry...I'm just excited about his collab. Carry on..."

"Thanks again for dropping me home Christian. I hope tonight wasn't too weird for you." I say referring to Loco's interrogation. "I'll enjoy any event as long as you're by my side." He smiles holding my hands at my doorstep. "You're too sweet...well I'm glad you had a good time. Goodnight." He leans down whiling lifting my chin so our lips connect.

"Goodnight sweetheart." On the outside I'm smiling but on the inside I'm ...

" On the outside I'm smiling but on the inside I'm

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I walk into work quickly and cautiously, avoiding Dabin at all costs. I take the stairs all the way up to the sixth floor and head quietly into my studio. Last night I finished my song lyrics before bed so now I'm constructing an instrumental.

It's not long before I hear a knock on the door and Christian popping his head in. "Dabin isn't in here..." He smiles and sits in the roller chair next to mine. "Great because I was looking for you." A smile forms on my lips as I keep playing with my equipment. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

"Really? You still want to be around me after last night?" He chuckles a bit and pulls my chair closer to his

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"Really? You still want to be around me after last night?" He chuckles a bit and pulls my chair closer to his. "Of course I do, you make me happy." He then pulls me on his lap. "Why take up two chairs when we can share one?"

"Because she's working and you're a distraction." We both turn to see Dabin with an unamused look on his face. "Sunbae, it's good to see you." I bow slightly trying to break the tension. "Did you finish your song? It's due this afternoon." I blink a few times wondering where all this coldness is coming from. We're just friends.

"My lyrics are due this afternoon and yes I finished them. I'm just working on the instrumental at the moment that's due next week." I kiss Christian one cheek and rub his other cheek gently. "He's not distracting me, he's helping me." Dabin nods his head slightly before leaving without another word.


And since that day, everyday has been Y/n and Christian flaunting their stupid relationship in my face. They go on countless dates and are always together in the studio. The worst part is she didn't even give me a chance. I know I'm the best for her but she chose who she wanted.

Men pick women, women choose men.

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now