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A/n: I will say I've gotten an overwhelming amount of support for Idol High which is why I'm just going to make these basically extended epilogue series as fulfilling as possible. That being said I will begin this one with Mina being 6 months pregnant and ending it with her having the twins. So let's get to it and buckle up for the roller coaster!


"He said that?" I'm sitting with Jinyoung, Yugyeom, and BamBam in our dorm. "He said you've gotten really attractive since you're pregnant. Your skin is glowing and you exude radiance." I can't believe what I'm hearing. Joshua apparently has the hots for be because I'm pregnant. "He already liked you, now it's gotten worse. It's like Lucas all over again." I sigh and rub my sides. "Well it's different because Joshua doesn't act on it. Lucas didn't know boundaries but he's gotten better. We even talk sometimes when I'm able to go to class." Jinyoung raises an eyebrow. "Which class? You're in all my classes."

"Album art...you dropped it because you said it was boring." BamBam shakes his head. "Yeah they're seat buddies and everything. I come to pick her up for lunch and she's talking to him." Jackson and Khi comes in with all of our food. "Talking to who?" BamBam and Jinyoung look at each other. "No one, it doesn't matter. You know what does matter? Your wife and twins are hungry and we've been distracting her." BamBam says grabbing the food bag laying everything out on the table. "Hi baby, how are you feeling?" Jackson comes and sits next to me on the couch. "Well I currently look like a whale and I have to go to the gym later." "What time because I have to talk to JYP about you performing and I wanted you to come."

I pull out my phone to check my schedule. "Well Gabby said we're doing "mommy" exercises so I stay in shape. If we leave after we eat and then go we'll be fine. BamBam wasn't lying...I'm really hungry." He helps me up and we wash our hands before joining the boys at the table. "Where're the kids baby?" I point to our bedroom. "They're watching One Piece right now. Luffy has on his little straw hat too." Jinyoung chuckles and nods. "They're so cute, I love my godchildren." BamBam rolls his eyes as he passes me some dumplings. "Ummm I'm definitely Luffy's godfather. Right Mina?"

"Rightttt...can you pass me the galbi?" He passes me the plate and I put some on my plate. "Well I still have Goku and Bulma so it's okay. Luffy is a crackhead just like you so it's perfect."

"Shut up he's funny, sweet, and cute! He's waaaaayyy better than CoCo!" We all shrug and agree

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"Shut up he's funny, sweet, and cute! He's waaaaayyy better than CoCo!" We all shrug and agree. "True! Pass the  tteokbokki please." I pass it to Jackson and he puts some on his plate. "Awww our little family passing plates. We should have a whole family dinner soon." BamBam and I look at each other. "Kayla can keep that noisy baby over at their house." BamBam says and Jackson rolls his eyes. "Mina is going to have twins so don't you think they'll be just as noisy or more noisy??" Jinyoung shrugs. "BamBam and Kayla don't get along so of course he doesn't like that loud...baby." Yugyeom just cracks up eating his pizza.

"I personally don't like that baby crying all the time when Mark is watching it." Khi shrugs. "The baby is a girl not an it. Come on guys, be nice. She's only 3 months old, she'll be better when she's older." BamBam purses his lips. "She'll be the baddest toddler ever." I crack up and Jackson clears his throat. "Baby please don't encourage him. Here try this bulgogi fried rice." He feeds me some of his food. "Mmmm that's really good, especially with the kimchi. But uh baby you know they're right. Hani is a cute sweet baby but she has some pipes if she doesn't get what she wants. Imagine how she'll be when she's 2."

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