Jay Park

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"Yo Y/n please get yo boy! He's so annoying!!" I look and see my friend showing me that my boyfriend has called her 15 times in a row trying to get a hold of me. Why? I'll tell you why.

Earlier...3 days ago 💋
"Hey Jay what are you doing later?" I'm FaceTiming my boyfriend while I get my nails done. "I have to work and then I'm going out with the boys."

"Again? You've been hanging out with them everyday for the past two weeks!" I hear him let out a sigh

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"Again? You've been hanging out with them everyday for the past two weeks!" I hear him let out a sigh. "Baby please don't start, I just want to relax and have a little fun sometimes is that so bad?" Hold up, wait, please pause, wait...excuse me say that again!
"Uh yeah if that means forgetting we had a date last night but come to find out you were living it up with the crew. I bet it's fun to play with my feelings huh?"

"We had a date? I don't remember us having one planned?" I raise an eyebrow

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"We had a date? I don't remember us having one planned?" I raise an eyebrow. "Oh really? You're the one who texted me and said you missed me and to meet you at our favorite spot at 8. I waited for two hours and then I lost my appetite and just left. You know what now that I'm thinking about it the more stupid I sound." I thank the lady as I leave the nail salon. "Baby look you're not stupid. I'm sorry that happened to you. How can I make it up to you?" I roll my eyes. "Oh I don't know spend some time with your girlfriend? But I wouldn't dare ask you to put me before your precious crew."

"I'm sensing a bit of sarcasm which is to be expected, you're upset

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"I'm sensing a bit of sarcasm which is to be expected, you're upset. How about I pick you up after I finish up in the studio?" I purse my lips. "Fine but I better not regret saying yes later." He smiles. "You won't I promise."


After waiting for 4 hours I decide to check Instagram

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After waiting for 4 hours I decide to check Instagram. What do I find? Well he's at party with his friends. I screenshot everything and shoot him a text.

Y/n💋♥️🥰: You know last night I was upset and disappointed...now I'm livid. I moved here for you. I gave my heart and unrequited love to who? Oh yes you. Well now I know who's the most important to you, it's surely not me after these 7 years. I hope you start to feel stupid soon.✌🏾👋🏾

I start packing up my stuff which isn't much since I just moved here 4 weeks ago. I can still get my deposit back, thank goodness. I book my flight to y/hometown and call an Uber to pick me up.

It's not too long before I get on my flight heading back home. I still own my house there by the beach(hopefully you live near one if not imagine you do) so I can relax. I look down at my phone after feeling a slight vibration.

Jay😡🤢👿💩: Baby what are you talking about? Where are you?! I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise, I'll come get you. Open up!
Read 11:45pm

Jay😡🤢👿💩: Where's all your stuff?! Where're you?? Please answer me! Are you at a hotel? I'll come get you please just answer me!
                                                                                                                                  Read 11:50pm

I continue to ignore him and turn my phone on airplane mode.

Present Day~

"How does he even have my number?! Please answer his call, I'm done with this foolishness." I take the phone and answer the call. "What do you want Jaebum?" "Baby?! Where are you? Are you safe? Look I'm really sorry about how I was acting just please come home."

"I need more than just words, I need actions

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"I need more than just words, I need actions. You haven't showed me you'll act differently. Until then I'll be where I'm at." I hear him sigh. "Okay I understand that, can you at least tell me where you are?" I look at my friend who returns the look. "I'm home, I'm back in the US." I hear him curse off to himself. "Well stay safe and I'll make it up to you this time. I promise you that." Now it's my turn to sigh. "Don't make a promise that you can't keep."



Hey lovelies, how are you? Angsty am I right? Ha well no part two for this, just something I whipped up. Oh comment down below which series you'd like finished. I won't give suggestions because I'll leave it up to you. You have until Sunday to let me know.


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